Enron Mail

To:tedenloe@hotmail.com, babbio@bellatlantic.com, klay@enron.com
Subject:Board Metting Dates
Date:Fri, 10 Nov 2000 10:29:00 -0800 (PST)

Mike has suggested that we cut back board meetings to fewer than the eight
(8) we currently hold.? In order to give you some background, Linda checked
other peer companies and the meetings range from 6 to 8 a year.?
I think that we can cut back to 6, however it may be more prudent to drop to
7 this year and first see how it goes .? The two meetings that can be
dropped most easily are June or September.?
June, because we have the two day strat plan meeting in July, and Sept.
because we don't yet have 4th quarter results and not a lot of new
information is available.
I think that the board meetings take up an incredible amount of Compaq
executive time and energy. I would rather have them concentrate on getting 6
or 7 meetings right, getting the company back on track and? increasing
earnings.? So, my vote is to?recommend to the board that we eliminate the
September '01 meeting.? That is a particularly busy month for many people as
exhibited by the lack of attendance we had at this past September meeting (5
members).? In looking back, we seem to be able to "fill the house" in June.
On the other hand, you all may want to continue with the number of meetings
we currently have.? I will await your reply.