Enron Mail

Subject:Complimentary Invite to Economist Conferences E-Business Summit
Date:Thu, 7 Sep 2000 08:15:00 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Mr. Lay:

On behalf of The Economist Group, I have the pleasure of inviting you to jo=
a select group of your peers at the second in our series of US E-Business=
Summits, "Strategic business transformation for chief executives in the=20
digital economy". The E-Business Summit will take place at the JW Marriott =
Atlanta on October 2nd-3rd and subsequently at the Ritz-Carlton Lenox in=20
Chicago on October 18th-19th. To learn more about this event visit us at=20
www.economistconferences.com. Click on the Americas portion of the map to=
find this event.

Your name has been included on a short list of the nation=01,s most powerfu=
corporate decision-makers invited to attend the Summit as our guest. If you=
wish to accept this invitation, please RSVP directly to Melissa Thoms on=20
212.554.0605 or register online at www.economistconferences.com. Click on=
the Americas section of the map and choose E-business Atlanta or Chicago. =
You can simply add $0 in the registration fee.

The Economist Group founded the US e-business series in March 2000 with=20
summits in New York and California. Speakers and delegates at those events=
included the chief executives of Cisco Systems, Nike, Palm Inc, DoubleClick=
Nordstrom.com, Fair Isaac, International Creative Management, Schlumberger,=
Block Drug Company and DLJdirect.

The purpose of the e-business series is to address the concerns of CEOs at=
corporations founded on old-economy principles as they struggle to respond =
the imperatives created by web-enabled technology. Corporate leaders are=20
invited to learn from their peers at blue-chip companies who are now settin=
the pace of change as they rethink vital business functions from supply cha=
to customer service.

Bill Emmott, Editor of The Economist, will serve as chairman of the Atlanta=
Summit, and John Peet, Business Affairs Editor of The Economist, will chair=
the Chicago Summit.

Other programme highlights can be viewed at www.economistconferences.com. o=
you can view the highlights below:

* A feature presentation from the DuPont executive leading the effort to=20
align management and IT strategies
* The e-business thought leader who turned Delta Air Lines around on the=20
company=01,s online relationships
* Unilever=01,s brand guru=01,s research and findings on Internet branding
* Ford=01,s head of e-business on efficiency, productivity and supply chain
* FleetBoston and Merrill Lynch on creating a new business model for=20
financial services
* The venture capitalists behind Walmart.com and McDonald=01,s E-Mac on the=
relationship between vc and bricks and mortar
* Enron Net Works on how online marketplaces will transform the company int=
a new-economy player
* Sears on multichannel management and the integration of legacy and online=
* Case studies from senior strategists at American Honda Motor, Anheuser=20
Busch and UPS

Please review the enclosed programme for more details. I look forward to=20
greeting you in Atlanta or Chicago.

Best regards,
Lisa Weiner
General Manager