Enron Mail |
The Public Relations department in Enron Europe distributes an electronic=
=20 newsletter to staff as a means of providing quick up-to-the-minute=20 information about commercial and non-commercial activities in Europe. The= =20 newsletter, which is circulated currently to the London, Oslo, Frankfurt,= =20 Madrid, Moscow, Geneva, Helsinki, Singapore, Warsaw, Teesside and Stockholm= =20 offices, is a mix of Enron Europe business highlights, notable quotes about= =20 Enron in the press and other general items of interest on activities in the= =20 London office and throughout Europe. =20 Please notify Tracy Ralston on +44-20-7783-6611 or by e-mail, if you would= =20 like to receive a copy of this newsletter and be added to the regular=20 distribution list. A copy of the most recent newsletter, which is called= =20 EuroFlash!, is below for your review. BUSINESS HIGHLIGHTS Enron Metals Branding Work to re-position MG as Enron Metals is well underway in the UK and will= =20 shortly be underway at Enron Metals offices around the world. Any member o= f=20 staff who has a question about branding or name changes should contact Fion= a=20 Grant in Public Relations. Croatia The mid-term power sales agreement between Enron and Croatian utility HEP i= s=20 due to be signed tomorrow (Wednesday) at an official ceremony and press=20 conference in Zagreb. Enron is also participating in the annual Zagreb Tra= de=20 Fair this week. EBS Enron Broadband Ventures (EBV), the investment arm of Enron Broadband=20 Services, announced its first investment in Europe this week. As part of a= =20 consortium of venture capital funds, EBV is helping provide development=20 funding for Interxion, a Dutch Internet infrastructure provider. Interxion= =20 operates a growing number of carrier-neutral Internet exchanges (IECs) in= =20 Europe and is planning to develop new centres in Madrid, Milan, Zurich,=20 Munich, Helsinki and at Hilversum in the Netherlands. "This investment is= =20 part of our strategy to invest in emerging communications and technology=20 companies where EBV can leverage EBS's knowledge and resources" explained= =20 Andrew Marsden, European Head of Enron Broadband Ventures. A TECHNOLOGY UPDATE FROM IT'S MARK PICKERING. . . Sametime, a new communication tool, is coming to screens across Europe and,= =20 in the future, throughout Enron's offices worldwide. What is Sametime? It= 's=20 a simple tool that integrates with Lotus Notes to allow you to send and=20 receive text messages to/from Enron colleagues. Sametimeis not a replacemen= t=20 for email or the phone, but rather it should complement both exiting=20 communication tools. This is a tool that will be of most value to people wh= o=20 spend a lot of time at their PC, but who want to ask a question of someone,= =20 conduct a simple conversation or send a message in real time, without havin= g=20 to pick up the phone or compose an email message. Sametimegives users instant messaging capabilities. The green square tells= =20 you who is online and able to receive a message, while the red dot gives a= =20 simple indication of people who may be away from their desk (see screen=20 sample below). I use the system everyday and find it invaluable in communicating with my= =20 team. It also comes into its own when communicating with people in other=20 offices, especially Houston (you can even use it on the road!). A nice=20 feature is that you can fire off a message to someone and know it will sit = on=20 their screen until they read it. Sametime'susefulness falls under the=20 =01+Network=01, effect, i.e. the more people online, the greater the benefi= t. Sametime will be available on your desktop in the not too distant future, s= o=20 watch out for further details. Looking forward to sametiming with you soon= ! IT TECHNOLOGY SHOWCASE Don't forget, the IT Technology Showcase is coming up on the 20th - 21st th= is=20 month! Get ready for an amazing tour of the latest technology on offer to= =20 you here at Enron House. Of interest to all who can't leave home without= =20 their mobile phone -- there will be presentations on Evolving Mobile=20 Technology in the Auditorium on Wednesday, 20th September. All presentati= on=20 attendees will be entered into a prize draw to win a mobile phone handset= =20 (please contact Alex Dyer for a copy of the agenda and to book your place). CHAIRMAN'S AWARD NOMINATIONS Don't forget to send in your nominations for this year's Chairman's Award. = =20 The deadline for submissions is 1 October. We'll be distributing nominatio= ns=20 forms during the all-employee meeting on 27 September, but in the meantime,= =20 please go to www.enron.com to learn more about the nominations process and = to=20 download a form. Remember, we need to hear from you in order to recognise= =20 all our European heroes! ENRON NIGHT AT THE RACES MAKES AN IMPACT IN THE COMMUNITY Last month the Enron Social Committee hosted an evening at the Greyhound=20 Races in Wimbledon. The proceeds of the evening, combined with a 'matching= '=20 donation from Enron, raised o1,600 for The Battersea Dogs' Home. With the= =20 charity spending an average o530 per dog that comes into the home, the mone= y=20 was gratefully received by BDH. Thanks to all who helped make a difference= ! NEW STARTERS A warm welcome to our most recent new starters: Stephan Hall (Settlements &= =20 Contracts Mgt), Ted Abley (EES Account & Delivery Mgt), Ian Aldridge, Gwily= m=20 Buckland, Neil Tidcombe, Paul Fahy, Nick Rogers (all IT Operations), Mark= =20 Bailey, Stuart Wheelhouse (both Architecture and Integration), Nicola Craig= =20 (Gas Trading UK), Seb Ferraccu (Global Risk Management), Jonathan Gamble=20 (Liquids Trading), Grace Hagan (Energy Operation), Mark Roberts (Global=20 Logistics), John Robinson (Administration), Amit Sinha (Strategic=20 Initiatives), Gordon Smith (Continental Power Trading-Bilateral Power=20 Trading), Colin Tham (Risk Management), Stephanie Taylor (Global=20 Co-ordination), Piers Glover (Admin development), George Albanis (Credit=20 Markets Group), Jhm Whitnall (Enron Broadband), Jake Comish, Peter Knowles= =20 (Asset Risk Management), Shane Dallmann (Liquids Trading), Robert Diprose,= =20 George Albanis (EnronCredit.com), Richard Dinnie (Asset Management), Marcus= =20 De Maria (Euro eBusiness), Lee Williams (IT Development). AYSCOUGH SUPPLIER OPEN DAY - MONDAY 25th SEPTEMBER Ayscough are hosting an open day at Enron House with key international=20 airlines in the auditorium between 12 noon and 2.00 pm on 25 September. Yo= u=20 are invited to come along to meet the representatives from the following=20 companies and ask any questions you may have about the services they have o= n=20 offer. Continental British Airways British Midland KLM Swissair Virgin Lufthansa Ayscough Leisure are also offering last minute holiday specials such as: Destination Date Nights Departing Accom Type Prices from Hurghada, Egypt 15 Sep 14 Gatwick 2 star o499 Cancun, Mexico 19 Sep 14 Gatwick 4 star o859 Please call Ayscough Leisure on 020 7357 9050 or email leisure@ayscough.co.= uk=20 to book. ENRON SECURITY In the last couple of weeks items of property have been stolen from staff= =20 members' desks. All staff are reminded that it is their responsibility to secure all valuables = at=20 the end of each working day and that we operate a clear desk policy in Enron House. During the last 48 hours security officers have removed 8 mobile phones, 6= =20 Palm Pilots and two laptops for safekeeping. All of these items were left unattended on desks. TONE ZONE Pedicures are now available from the nail technician every Friday in the To= ne=20 Zone. There will be a charge of o25 for a Jessica pedicure which lasts up = to=20 40 minutes and an added charge of o8 for a French pedicure. If you schedul= e=20 a manicure and pedicure together you will receive at 10% discount. Payment= =20 can be made by cheque or with cash. QUIZ OF THE WEEK A man asks his friend to guess the ages of his three nieces. The uncle give= s=20 his friend a clue: the product of the nieces' ages is 2450.=20 Being a smart guy the friend concludes after some math work that he needs= =20 some additional information.=20 He is told that the sum of the nieces' ages equals his house number.=20 After a while he once again asks for an additional clue. The uncle tells hi= m=20 that all the nieces are younger than himself (the friend). How old is the friend? And in what house number does he live? (with thanks to Gunvor Bay from the Oslo office for providing the Quiz of t= he=20 Week) AND THE WINNER OF LAST WEEK'S QUIZ IS. . . Congratulations to Adam Kodish for being last week's Riddle of the Day=20 winner. The answer to the riddle was 'surname'! FINALLY (a little drum roll, please!), ANNOUNCING THE "EUROFLASH NAME CHANG= E"=20 CONTEST! Here's one for all you geography whizzes out there. . .with Australia and= =20 Japan joining the gang here in Europe, EuroFlash is in dire need of a new= =20 name. Not to be accused of being Eurocentric, we challenge YOU to send us= =20 your best suggestions. Give it a go and who knows, if the winning name is= =20 yours, a bottle of champagne may just come your way!