Enron Mail

To:bcash@interwest.com, kenneth.lay@enron.com, romesh_wadhwani@i2.com,sandy_tungare@vistaar.com, sanjiv_sidhu@i2.com, tom_meredith@dell.com, bill_beecher@i2.com, david_becker@i2.com, robert_donohoo@i2.com
Subject:Eagle Presentation to the Board : DRAFT Version 1
Cc:jdavidson@srfunds.com, rosalee.fleming@enron.com, sandi_drysdale@i2.com,denean_probasco@vistaar.com, sheryl_campbell@i2.com, nedgie_jones@i2.com, kelly_landgraf@dell.com, heather_dalton@dell.com, kim_robinson@i2.com, barbette_watts@i2.com, laurie_ha
Bcc:jdavidson@srfunds.com, rosalee.fleming@enron.com, sandi_drysdale@i2.com,denean_probasco@vistaar.com, sheryl_campbell@i2.com, nedgie_jones@i2.com, kelly_landgraf@dell.com, heather_dalton@dell.com, kim_robinson@i2.com, barbette_watts@i2.com, laurie_ha
Date:Sun, 26 Nov 2000 22:32:00 -0800 (PST)

Dear Colleagues:

Attached you will find a DRAFT version of the Eagle presentation to the
A definitive version, that will contain further information, but no
material changes, will be sent to you later this afternoon.

(See attached file: Eagle BD Presentation - Version 1.ppt)

Best Regards,
L i s a C l i f f o r d
Work [305 503 1999]
Cell [305 632 7436]

- Eagle BD Presentation - Version 1.ppt