Enron Mail

To:christina@edu.com, kquigley@enron.com, ksulliv2@azurix.com,jessica@lplpi.com, karenwing@aol.com, jlaywp@aol.com, klay@enron.com, mrslinda@lplpi.com, mklay@worldnet.att.net, nlay@worldnet.att.net, sharon@travelpark.com, dlorie@mofo.com, poohbr1616@aol.
Subject:Itinerary for Palm Beach
Cc:tori.l.wells@enron.com, jlvittor@mofo.com, lkesslerw@aol.com
Bcc:tori.l.wells@enron.com, jlvittor@mofo.com, lkesslerw@aol.com
Date:Tue, 16 May 2000 09:15:00 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Friends, Family and Wedding Party,
I am attaching a tentative itinerary for the wedding
weekend. Some of the times for transportation and hair
appointments may change as we finalize the schedules,
but for the most part, this should help you plan your
We do not have a golf outing planned but I am assured
the Four Seasons and Hilton can help arrange golf
groups for wedding guests.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any
All our love,
Liz and Jose Luis

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