Enron Mail

Subject:Letter to President on Energy Efficiency - Immediate Review Reque
Date:Thu, 21 Sep 2000 11:00:00 -0700 (PDT)

Cc: dham@ase.org
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To Alliance Board and Associates:

As you may know, President Clinton is considering releasing oil from the
Strategic Petroleum Reserve, perhaps as early as the next several days.
Regardless of what you think about release of oil from the Reserve, I hope
you will help us take advantage of this opportunity to encourage the
President to renew his efforts to pursue energy efficiency - our nation's
best long-term response to rising oil imports.

Due to the immediacy of the decision, we ask that you let us know if we can
sign you on, no later than this Monday, September 25 at noon Eastern.
Please respond with sign ons (giving us the precise company/organization
name) by reply email, or call Dave Hamilton or myself at 202-857-0666.
Thank you for your consideration and support.


David Nemtzow
Alliance to Save Energy
nemtzow@ase.org <mailto:nemtzow@ase.org<
ph: (202) 857-0666
fax: (202) 331-9588
http://www.ase.org <http://www.ase.org<;