Enron Mail

Date:Mon, 9 Oct 2000 03:14:00 -0700 (PDT)

Fax Memorandum

Date: 09 October 2000

To: Enron Corporation
Kenneth Lay
Phone: 713-853-6161
Fax: 713-853-9479

From: The MATHIS Group, Inc.
Peter G. Doyle
Phone: 281-265-6028
Fax: 281-265-6825

Subject: Forum Topic - HALFTIME & BEYOND

Just a few notes to give some thought to before attending our meeting this

HALFTIME - an interval in a person's life where he or she explores ways to
transform their success into significance.

What is it that you have always wanted to do? And why haven't you done it


Answer the following questions to help you take stock of your first half as
you prepare for a better second half. Be honest, and write down your answers.

1) What do I want to be remembered for? Write a description of how your life
would look if it turned out just the way you wished.

2) What about money?
How much is enough?
If I have more than enough, what purpose do I serve with the excess?
If I have less than enough, what am I willing to do to correct that?

3) How am I feeling about my career now?
Is this what I want to be doing with my life ten years from now?

4) Am I living a balanced life?
What are the important elements in my life that deserve more time?

5) What is the primary loyalty in my life?

6) Where do I look for inspiration, mentors and working models for my second

7) Peter Drucker says that two important needs are self-realization and
community. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest), how am I doing in
these areas?

8) Draw a line that describes the ups and downs of your life. Or draw three
lines, one for personal life, one for family life, and one for work life.
Where do they intersect? Where do they diverge?

9) Which of the following transition options seems to fit my temperament and
gifts best?
(Evaluate each option on a sale of 1-10)
a. Keep on doing what I already do well, but change the environment.
b. Change the work, but stay in the same environment.
c. Turn an avocation into a new career.
d. Double-track (or even triple-track) in parallel careers (not hobbies).
e. Keep on doing what I'm doing, even past retirement age.

10) What do I want for my children?