Enron Mail

Subject:Preliminary Programme - Energy Governors
Date:Mon, 27 Nov 2000 04:30:00 -0800 (PST)


Attached is the draft agenda and participant list for Davos.

Our Europe government affairs group felt that it would be best if you spoke
on energy liberalization and globalization with gas and electricity rather
than one of the other topics since it has more direct implications for our
profit centers. If you would rather switch to another panel after you look
at the agenda, please do so and let me know.

(Rosie--can you confirm everything with Silvia?)

- Rob

---------------------- Forwarded by Doug Wood/LON/ECT on 27/11/2000 17:56
To: doug.wood@enron.com, Rosalee.Fleming@enron.com

Subject: Preliminary Programme - Energy Governors

Dear Doug, dear Rosalee,

Please find attached the preliminary programme for the Energy Governors
Meeting. The programme is based on the discussions held during the
preparatory meeting last month. We were delighted that Enron was
represented. Thanks for all you input Doug! For you information, I have
also attached the list of confirmed participants to date.

Doug, based on your last e-mail, we would like to invite Dr Lay to speak in
the session "Globalization and Liberalization" on Monday afternoon. Please
let me know if you agree and if either you or Rosalee could check with him
to see if he is of the same opinion and if he accepts, I would greatly
appreciate this. Or let me know if he would prefer to speak in another

Rosalee, we have Dr Lay already confirmed for two sessions within the main
Annual Meeting programme, the B-2-B session and "The shape of the 21st
Century Corporation" as soon as I know the exact dates and times - I will
let you know immediately in order to re-confirm.

(See attached file: regengov.doc)(See attached file: 2001progexternal.doc)

All the best and thanks,
Silvia Graf Jilinski
Community Manager - Energy and Institutionals
World Economic Forum
Direct tel: 41 22 869 1222
Fax: 41 22 786 2744
E-mail: Silvia.GrafJilinski@weforum.org
- regengov.doc
- 2001progexternal.doc