Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Duchess of Northumbria's request
Date:Tue, 31 Oct 2000 08:59:00 -0800 (PST)


Thanks for the message. Does Ken want me to contact the Duchess or will he?


Kenneth Lay @ ENRON on 31/10/2000 13:48:05
Sent by: Rosalee Fleming@ENRON
To: Colin Skellett/BTH/AZURIX@AZURIX

Subject: Re: Duchess of Northumbria's request

Hi Colin -

Ken Lay asked me to advise you that this is fine with him.


Colin Skellett@AZURIX
10/26/2000 10:20 AM
Sent by: Lisa Hobbs@AZURIX
To: Kenneth Lay/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: catriona.ritchie@pcc.org.uk
Subject: Duchess of Northumbria's request


Thanks for sending me the request from the Duchess of Northumbria for help
with her garden project. I have discussed this with John Wakeham and our
view is that unless you have any other reason for helping with this, we
should say a polite "no".

The background is summarised on the attached briefing note from Mike O'Neill,
Managing Director of Lurgi Invent.

Alnwick Castle is several hundred miles out of the Wessex region so it really
is difficult to justify any Wessex help. Lurgi Invent has done a little work
for the Duchess in providing water features for the garden. However, this
business currently loses o1 million a year so we would be reluctant to see
any sponsorship out of Lurgi Invent.

Given the nature of the project, the approach from the Duchess and the fact
that she can clearly afford to pay for it herself, we really do believe no is
the right answer.

Please let me know if you want any further information or if you want me to
correspond direct with the Duchess.

Best wishes.
