Enron Mail

Subject:Top 10 Reasons You Should Check Your Pulse
Date:Tue, 24 Oct 2000 14:15:00 -0700 (PDT)

Is available only through Friday, Oct. 27
Is located at: survey.enron.com

Top 10 Reasons You Should Fill Out The Pulse Survey:
10. This is one time silence isn't golden.
9. Those pesky flashing red lights are trained to come back on until you fill
it out.
8. 50% response rate. 3 days left to go. You do the math.
7. Despite what you may think, the survey results don't just go spinning into
cyberspace. There are action teams in operation all around Enron whose sole
mission is to resolve problems that are identified in the survey feedback.
6. It's free! (And very easy, too.)
5. You have a right to remain silent. But if you give up that right, we may
be able to help you.
4. For the 15 minutes you're filling it out, you don't have to work!
3. You can say what you really feel about your job and Enron without fear,
because the survey is completely confidential.
2. Do you really want that other business unit one-upping you in
participation numbers?
And the number one reason you (yes, you) should fill out The Pulse:
1. We're going to keep sending these emails until we have 100% participation.