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AEI IN AN INSTANT for Friday, June 1, 2001
Information on current and upcoming events, publications, and other activities of the American Enterprise Institute ___________________________________________________ UPCOMING EVENTS The events listed below will take place in the Wohlstetter Conference Center, on the twelfth floor at AEI. "Updating 'Nationalizing Mortgage Risk'" Speakers: Bert Ely and Peter J. Wallison Monday, June 4, 10:00-11:30 a.m. http://www.aei.org/inv010604.htm (information and registration) "Financing School Choice: How School Vouchers Should Be Designed" Speaker: Caroline M. Hoxby Bradley Lecture, Monday, June 4, 5:30-7:00 p.m. http://www.aei.org/bradley/bradley.htm (schedule for the full 2000-2001 Bradley Lecture Series) http://www.aei.org/bradley/bradfrm.htm (registration) "Privacy in Perspective" Speaker: Fred Cate Book Event, Tuesday, June 5, 1:00-3:00 p.m. http://www.aei.org/inv010605.htm (information and registration) "Are We All 'Compassionate Conservatives' Now?" Speakers include Douglas J. Besharov, Rep. David Bonior (D-Mich.), Karlyn H. Bowman, and William Galston Seminar, Thursday, June 7, 4:00-5:30 p.m. http://www.aei.org/inv010607.htm (information and registration) "ROK-U.S. Alliance: Working Together for Lasting Peace on the Korean Peninsula" Speakers include Han Seung-soo, Stephen Bosworth, Nicholas Eberstadt, and Moon Chung-in Conference, Monday, June 11, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. http://www.aei.org/inv010611.htm (information and registration) ___________________________________________________ RECENT EVENTS "How Is Bush Governing?" Speakers included David R. Gergen, Fred I. Greenstein, Thomas Mann, and Norman J. Ornstein Transition to Governing Project Conference, May 15 http://www.aei.org/past_event/conf010515.htm (transcript) "Listening to China: A Reporter's Odyssey" Speaker: Richard Bernstein Bradley Lecture, May 14 http://www.aei.org/bradley/bl010514.htm (prepared remarks) ___________________________________________________ NEW PUBLICATIONS Whom the Gods Would Destroy, or How Not to Deregulate, by Alfred E. Kahn Monograph, AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies http://www.aei.org/shop1/shops/1/w-z.htm#0319 (order form) http://www.aei.brookings.org/publications/abstract.asp?pID=142 (abstract) http://www.aei.brookings.org/publications/books/kahn.pdf (full text) Korea's Future and the Great Powers, edited by Nicholas Eberstadt and Richard J. Ellings Book, University of Washington Press http://www.aei.org/shop1/shops/1/j-l.htm#0318 (ordering information) http://www.aei.org/bs/bs12999.htm (book summary) "Japan Needs a Current Account Deficit," by John H. Makin Economic Outlook, June 2001 http://www.aei.org/eo/eo13010.htm (full text) "An Emerging Populist Threat?" by Mark Falcoff Latin American Outlook, June 2001 http://www.aei.org/lao/lao13016.htm (full text) AEI Newsletter, June 2001 http://www.aei.org/nl/nljun01.htm (full text) "Congress's Plan to Reduce Flight Delays Is Not Airworthy," by Dorothy Robyn AEI-Brookings Joint Center Policy Matters, May 2001 http://www.aei.brookings.org/publications/abstract.asp?pID=144 (abstract) http://www.aei.brookings.org/publications/policy/policy_01_15.asp (full text) "Energy Price Controls: Been There, Done That," by Robert E. Litan and Philip Verleger AEI-Brookings Joint Center Policy Matters, May 2001 http://www.aei.brookings.org/publications/policy/policy_01_14.asp (full text) "On the Exercise of Market Power through Strategic Withholding in California," by Scott M. Harvey and William W. Hogan AEI-Brookings Joint Center Related Publication, May 2001 http://www.aei.brookings.org/publications/abstract.asp?pID=143 (abstract) http://www.aei.brookings.org/publications/related/market.pdf (full text) "How Bush Is Winning," by Michael Novak Article in National Review Online, May 29, 2001 http://www.aei.org/ra/ranova010529.htm (full text) "War of the Sun Belt Giants," by William Schneider Article in National Journal, May 26, 2001 http://www.aei.org/ra/raschn010526.htm (full text) "He's Conservative--Get over It!" by Robert H. Bork Article in the Washington Post, May 23, 2001 http://www.aei.org/ra/rabork010523.htm (full text) "The Next Hot Spot," by Nicholas Eberstadt and Richard J. Ellings Article in the Washington Times, May 23, 2001 http://www.aei.org/ra/raeber010523.htm (full text) "Europe, Meet Mr. Rumsfeld," by Jeffrey Gedmin Article in the Wall Street Journal Europe, May 23, 2001 http://www.aei.org/ra/ragedm010523.htm (full text) "The Price-Gouging Arguments," by James K. Glassman Article in National Review Online, May 23, 2001 http://www.aei.org/ra/raglas010523.htm (full text) ___________________________________________________ OTHER ACTIVITIES Think Tank, AEI scholar Ben J. Wattenberg's television series, will focus this week on whether the nuclear industry is poised to make a comeback in America as a source of inexpensive and clean energy: "Is Nuclear Power Making a Comeback?" Featuring Arjun Makhijani and Eileen Supko Think Tank air times: Chicago - WYCC, Thursdays at 10:30 p.m.; New York - WNET, Saturdays at 9:00 a.m.; Washington - WETA, Saturdays at 1:30 p.m., and WHUT, Sundays at 11:00 a.m. and Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. http://www.pbs.org/thinktank/ (information) ___________________________________________________ RELEVANT TO THE NEWS Vermont senator James Jeffords has changed his party affiliation from Republican to Independent, giving control of the Senate to the Democrats. Before Jeffords announced his decision, AEI scholar Norman J. Ornstein wrote an article reviewing the White House's relations with the senator and predicting that Jeffords might switch parties. After the announcement, other AEI scholars commented on the turn of events: "After Shelby Precedent, Bush Had Better Be Careful with Jeffords," by Norman J. Ornstein Article in Roll Call, May 14, 2001 http://www.aei.org/ra/raorns010514.htm (full text) "The Senate Jam," by Michael A. Ledeen Article in National Review Online, May 24, 2001 http://www.aei.org/ra/ralede010524.htm (full text) "Aftereffects of the Palace Coup," by Ben J. Wattenberg Article in the Washington Times, May 30, 2001 http://www.aei.org/ra/rawatt010530.htm (full text) ___________________________________________________ American Enterprise Institute 1150 Seventeenth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 202.862.5800 tel. 202.862.7177 fax http://www.aei.org Please address comments to kburrows@aei.org. If this message was forwarded to you and you would like to subscribe to AEI in an Instant, please send your name and e-mail address to kburrows@aei.org. If you have received this message in error or wish to unsubscribe from this mailing list, please e-mail stop-aeiupdate@aei.org.