Enron Mail

Subject:A Teamwork Newsletter from ManagementVitality
Date:Wed, 5 Dec 2001 04:06:14 -0800 (PST)

ManagementVitality logo =09
We are pleased to send you our November 2001 Issue as an example of our M=
anagementVitality Teamwork Newsletters. You may also go to November Teamwor=
k Newsletter to view an online copy. Glenn McInnes President ManagementV=
itality Inc. Glenn.McInnes@ManagementVitality.com =09
Teamwork Newsletter NOVEMBER 2001 =09
Trust is the fuel that moves companies forward Business is down. Layoffs=
loom. Employees are focusing on their family, and many fear losing their j=
obs. Yet, you need to move your company or your department forward. You nee=
d to move upward and onward. What does it take? Trust! We suggest that it i=
s Trust that allows the balance between the opposing demands of work and qu=
ality of life. As always, moving forward requires a balance of effectiven=
ess vs. efficiency and short-term vs. long-term goals. A closely connected =
tenet of these four is trust and getting to trust is a process that can be =
worked on. The ability to work towards the future as a team requires trus=
t because the future is pure promise, and has no reality in the here and no=
w. Without trust, there can be no agreement concerning future events. After=
all, certain real, clashing interests will be sacrificed in the short term=
, for an unreal future built on promises. Trust is the factor that permits =
common goals to benefit both parties. Thus, conflicts of interest are reso=
lved through common goals pursed in an atmosphere of mutual trust. Those wh=
o understand capi (coalesced authority, power and influence) know that it n=
aturally gives rise to conflicting interests. To get things done, a team mu=
st have common goals or interests to bind them together. Mutual suspicion m=
ust give way to mutual trust. As we well know, the bearers of various impl=
ementation forces come into conflicts that simply do not get resolved. When=
fundamentally different interests are at issue, resolution often seems imp=
ossible. There are no obvious or immediate win-win solutions. In fact, Dr. =
Adizes makes the bold declaration that when conflict arises among people wi=
th different interests, the short-term outcomes can never satisfy both part=
ies. In the short term, conflicting interests can only be addressed by a co=
mpromise, where both parties? interests suffer, or by a win-lose scenario t=
hat leaves one party seriously disgruntled. Destructive conflict over diff=
erent interests manifests itself as long, drawn out tensions between the di=
fferent players. The conflict will not go away. The trick is to harness tha=
t conflict to achieve something, rather than trying to pretend that it does=
not exist. Avoiding conflict is not the secret. Encouraging constructive c=
onflict is the way to move forward. Trust is the only path to constructive =
conflict in a situation of different interests. However, trust can only be=
earned over time. To establish trust, one must establish a history of livi=
ng up to promises. Since trust can be eroded in a split second, making the =
pursuit of common goals increasingly difficult, one must move slowly and ca=
refully and in a non-threatening manner as one builds that history of trust=
. To learn more, or for a refresher on the trust process, enroll in our on=
line course, Teamwork Plus! at www.ManagementVitality.com . To send in=
your own question to this newsletter, write Katherine.Prouty@ManagementVit=
ality.com. To brush up or learn more about the Adizes Methodology, go to =
www.ManagementVitality.com . Congratulations to Michael Rossiter, Group =
Executive - Learning and Development, LendLease from London England for wi=
nning the free enrollment in the November course of Teamwork Plus!. To q=
ualify for our December draw for our next free course, subscribe to this =
monthly newsletter! Your number to qualify for this month's contest is 4400=
. If you found these ideas useful, please forward this Newsletter to a c=
olleague. Return to ManagementVitality Home Page =09

Online Courses: Teamwork Plus! series What: The six courses in Teamwork=
Plus! are 1. Managing Change 2. Harnessing Conflict 3. Predicting Decis=
ion Outcomes 4. Understanding Corporate Lifecycles 5. Overcoming Obstacle=
s to Implementation 6. Effective Corporate Structure =09 Management Style=
Test =09

Student's Time: About 3 hours per course, any time of day or night, about =
18 hours for the series. Timetable: Six weeks, 1 course per week, starting=
January 14th and ending March 1st. It's easy to take, even when travellin=
g. It has a start date and an end date, and in between those dates you can =
start when you wish and proceed at your own pace, participating in threaded=
discussions which are tied to what section you are up to in the course. Th=
is means that between the start date and end date you participate in a dial=
ogue in the context of where you are in the course and not in the context o=
f where you are either in time or place, or whether you progress through th=
e content ahead of or behind other students. Host: Bill Caswell, P. Eng.=
, 25 years as a CEO, ManagementVitality Content Officer and an Adizes Assoc=
iate will offer comments on every student's answers to Questions and Exerci=
ses, throughout the series. Price: $495 U.S. for the series of 6 courses. =
Enroll in Teamwork Plus! at www.ManagementVitality.com . =09