Enron Mail

To:e-mail <.anthony@enron.com<, e-mail <.catherine@enron.com<,e-mail <.chuck@enron.com<, e-mail <.ellen@enron.com<, e-mail <.fred@enron.com<, smith.gerald@enron.com, reasoner.harry@enron.com, e-mail <.jack@enron.com<, e-mail <.jim@enron.com<, randolph.
Subject:Alexis de Tocqueville Society Phone-a-thon - February 1, 2002
Date:Wed, 9 Jan 2002 08:24:23 -0800 (PST)

We are excited to let you know about the 3rd Annual Society Phone-a-thon
scheduled for February 1, 2002. Attached is a memo about the event from
Harry Reasoner. Please let me know if you have any questions or trouble
opening the attached documents.

Thank you for supporting the United Way!

Susy Smith
United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast

- phone a thon 1-7-02 memo cover sheet email.doc
- phone a thon 1-7-02 memo.doc