Enron Mail

To:e-mail <.richard@enron.com<, kenneth.lay@enron.com,e-mail <.robert@enron.com<
Subject:Documents for Development Committee Meeting (1/18)
Cc:e-mail <.cynthia@enron.com<, rosalee.fleming@enron.com,e-mail <.patty@enron.com<
Bcc:e-mail <.cynthia@enron.com<, rosalee.fleming@enron.com,e-mail <.patty@enron.com<
Date:Fri, 18 Jan 2002 11:48:39 -0800 (PST)

To: Mr. Richard Parsons (Chairman, Development Committee) - FYI
Dr. Kenneth Lay (phone)
Mr. Robert Lumpkins (phone)

Copy: Ms. Cynthia Panapoulos
Ms. Roslee Fleming
Ms. Patty Vanderlin

In preparation for the Development Committee Meeting at 3:00 p.m. - the
attached documents are forwarded to your attention. This is the first
installment of a two-part email. Four documents will be forwarded in the
second email. Please note that the first document in this email provides a
table of contents for proper ordering of the materials.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ecton, Virgil
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 1:51 PM
To: Hampshire-Cowan, Artis G.
Cc: Blanchard, Lawanda T.
Subject: Board Reports

<<Board of Trustees Table of Content.doc<<


<<January FY 02 Board Report.doc<<
<<Adv Phase Estimate 2.doc<<
<<Selected Top Gifts 2.doc<<
<<Naming Opportunities at Howard University.doc<<

- Board of Trustees Table of Content.doc
- January FY 02 Board Report.doc
- Adv Phase Estimate 2.doc
- Selected Top Gifts 2.doc
- Naming Opportunities at Howard University.doc