Enron Mail

To:walter.pye@macquarie.com.au, susan@prescottlegal.com, bbh@group1auto.com,richarde@centurydev.com, ecockrell@cockrell.com, jim.braniff@enron.com, jim_braniff@ajg.com, rodc@insource.com, tcarey@crc-evans.com, mfc-mca@worldnet.att.net, jdddec@insync.net,
Subject:Fw: VIRUS
Date:Tue, 29 May 2001 08:31:17 -0700 (PDT)

Subject: Fw: VIRUS

< Hi - Since I forwarded you an email in the past four days, I felt I
should share
< this with you. I did find the small black logo when I followed the
< directions noted below, and I did delete.
< << I had this virus on my hard drive, you may have it too since
< << it attaches itself to e-mails. If you find the file on your computer
< << consider forwarding this e-mail to people you've emailed recently.
< << Follow the directions below to remove the file.
< <<
< << Please read and follow the directions to get rid of this
< << file if it is on your computer... I had it on mine. Check all of your
< << drives too since it wasn't on my main drive that I use. It is
< << supposed to go off on June 1 too.
< <<
< <<
< << Press your start button
< << Go to "find"
< << select "files or folders"
< << under "named" type SULFNBK.EXE in uppercase
< << Under "look in" select "local hard drivers" or "my computer"
< <<
< << press "find now"
< << right click on the "sulfnbk" file with a little black logo
< << and delete it.
< << Go to your recycle bin and clear the bin as this virus will
< << still activate in
< << the recycle bin.
< << Now tell everyone that you have e-mailed since you received
< << my last mail.
< << I hope you find it (or not and I never passed it to you in
< << the first place!)
< <<
< <<
< <<
< <<
< <<