Enron Mail

Subject:January e-FFICIENCY NEWS
Date:Thu, 17 Jan 2002 10:16:32 -0800 (PST)

Online and in color: http://www.ase.org/e-FFICIENCY

The monthly newsletter from the
Alliance to Save Energy

January 2002 Vol. 4 No. 1


- Energy Expected on Political Front Burner in 2002
- FreedomCAR Replaces PNGV as Government Body for Energy-Efficient Vehicle
- Primen: Consumers Say Energy Efficiency Now Top Issue in Home Appliance
- California Sees Big Savings by Tightening Efficiency Standards
- Efficiency, Conservation Could Save NW States 300 Megawatts
- Study Cites Five-fold Return on Energy Training Investment in Plants
- Energy Efficiency Methods Can Yield 50 Percent Reductions in Data Center
Power Requirements, Says REPP Report
- CFLs Capture High California Marketshare
- Nominees Sought for 2002 Energy Efficiency Awards
- 'Static Electricity House' Brings Down House; Garners $16 Million Free TV
Airtime for Energy Efficiency Message
- DRAM, Alliance Partner to 'Advance' Advanced Metering Technologies EYE
- Energy Efficiency Is Patriotism
- New Web Site Offers Money-Saving Tips to Homeowners EFFICIENCY EVENTS
- 'Demand-Response Programs,' Houston, Tex., March 7-8
- 'Safety, Security in Electric Power Industry' Conference: Houston, Tex.,
- Alliance Staffer Verdict Returns to Texas
- Energy Job Openings


Energy Expected on Political Front Burner in 2002

In the next six weeks, energy should be prominent in national politics. The
Bush Administration is sure to return its attention to the national energy
policy in the State of the Union Address January 29. The President is
expected to emphasize that economic recovery depends on congress passing his
domestic agenda, including the Administration's energy plan passed by the
House last year. In the Senate, Majority Leader Tom Daschle has vowed to
bring an energy bill to the floor the week of February 11. Also in
February, The White House is expected to release federal its budget, which
will reveal the spending priorities of the Administration, showing which
energy efficiency programs receive funding increases or funding cuts.

For more on energy policy:


FreedomCAR Replaces PNGV as Government Body for Energy-Efficient Vehicle R&D

Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham announced at the Detroit Auto Show that the
Partnership for Next Generation Vehicles (PNGV) will be replaced by a new
private-public partnership, called "FreedomCAR." PNGV was a public-private
partnership designed to develop cars with triple the current fuel economy.
FreedomCAR, by contrast, has as its goal the production of hydrogen fuel
cell vehicles, which produce no emissions but water vapor and do not rely on
fossil fuels.

While supportive of fuel cell R&D, the Alliance noted in New York Times and
other media interviews that it should not be at the expense of badly needed
new fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks, including SUVs.

A political cartoon by Stuart Carlson illustrates the point quickly and

Read the DOE press releases about FreedomCar:


Primen: Consumers Say Energy Efficiency Now Top Issue in Home Appliance

U.S. consumers now rank energy efficiency as their most important
consideration in shopping for new home appliances, according to a new study
by Madison-based Primen, an energy market-intelligence company.
Three-fourths of consumers said energy efficiency was a very important
factor in their purchase of appliances during the past year. More important,
84 percent said they anticipate that energy efficiency will be a "very
important consideration" in making future purchasing decisions.
Pro-efficiency sentiment ran strongest among California consumers, with an
overwhelming number of households claiming efficiency will outrank all other
factors in future appliance-purchasing decisions.

Read more:


California Sees Big Savings by Tightening Efficiency Standards

The California Energy Commission (CEC) will propose adopting new efficiency
standards for ten products at a February 6 hearing, as mandated by
legislation in response to the state's electricity crisis. Products range
from air conditioners to traffic signals. CEC's life-cycle-cost analysis
shows that the energy savings over the life of the product outweigh any
initial increased purchase cost. Among the largest savers: electric
transformers reduce life-cycle-costs by $3,768; commercial air conditioners
by $2,580; and commercial refrigerators by $958.

A table illustrates savings from tighter standards:


Efficiency, Conservation Could Save NW States 300 Megawatts

Energy efficiency and conservation in the Northwest could yield as much
power as a new natural gas plant-an extra 300 megawatts over three
years-according to the Northwest Power Planning Council (NPPC). As a result
of these findings, NPPC is asking Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Washington to
invest in efficiency and conservation measures rather than the construction
of new power plants. Power savings will come from a wide variety of
sources-from modernizing machinery to shutting down vending machines during
off-hours. NPPC is a multi-state agency with a mandate to balance power
production and environmental concerns in the Pacific Northwest.

Read more:


Study Cites Five-fold Return on Energy Training Investment in Plants

Investments in energy-efficiency training saved ICI Chemicals, a British
chemical company, ?500,000 (1992 currency) for a ?100,000 investment: a
ten-week payback. This information was released in a paper written for the
Training Subcomittee of the BestPractices Steam Program. ICI Chemicals
invested in its people, implementing a training program including direct
training, employing a full-time energy manager, metering, and expending
revenue on repairs and minor improvements. These findings are explicated in
"The Human Side of Efficiency: The Value of Training in Plant Systems
Optimization," which includes other examples of the value of training. A
companion slide show to the paper links to further examples and resources of
how to implement a training program.

Read the paper

View the slideshow


Energy Efficiency Methods Can Yield 50 Percent Reductions in Data Center
Power Requirements, Says REPP Report

The Information Technology industry and electric power utilities have a
"window of opportunity to define and implement best practices in data center
design and construction before the next Information Technology surge," notes
Renewable Energy Policy Project (REPP) Research Manager Fred Beck.

Based on extensive research and interviews with industry experts, Beck
details many practical efficiency measures that can be implemented today, as
well as identifying broader solutions such as ultra-efficient "Energy Smart
Power Parks" employing shared electricity production and cooling facilities.

Read more:


CFLs Capture High California Marketshare

Energy Star compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) have captured a higher
marketshare in California than ever in the 20 year history of
energy-efficiency programs. The expanded marketshare is due in part to the
"Instant Discount Retailer Program" by California Investor Owned Utilities
(IOUs) to promote the purchase and use of CFLs by residential consumers in
partnership with retailers and manufacturers that were customer-oriented and
cost-effective. Noted factors that have contributed to the success of the
2001 program include consumer education; greater accessibility of
next-generation CFLs, together with their higher quality, lower price, and
decreased size; and the competitive nature of the marketplace.

By the end of the Instant Discount Retailer Program in December 2001,
Pacific Gas and Electric Company reports that 42 retailers with 434
locations in Northern and Central California had participated to provide
discounts on 6 million CFLs accounting for $18 million dollars in

Read more:



Nominees Sought for 2002 Energy Efficiency Awards

The Alliance to Save Energy is seeking suggestions for domestic or
international nominees to receive the organization's 2002 Star of Energy
Efficiency Awards. These prestigious awards are given annually to an
individual or organization that has significantly furthered the cause of
energy efficiency in the previous year. Because 2002 represents the
Alliance's 25th Silver Anniversary, nominees are sought who have made an
extraordinary contribution to energy efficiency. Awardees will be chosen by
a panel of distinguished energy professionals from among those nominations
received. Awardees will be formally recognized at a black tie dinner -
Evening with the Stars of Energy Efficiency in early autumn.

To submit a nominee for the 2002 Alliance awards, please send an email with
the person, company, or organization's name, and a short paragraph on why
you feel this person or group should be recognized for their achievement to


'Static Electricity House' Brings Down House; Garners $16 Million Free TV
Airtime for Energy Efficiency Message

The Alliance to Save Energy obtained some $16 million of free TV airtime for
its "Static Electricity House" national TV PSA and a customized New York
version developed for the New York State Energy Research and Development

Nielsen Sigma tracking reports that the national TV PSA was aired more than
38,000 times for 462 million total impressions from December 2000 through
December 2001. Additionally, the national TV PSA was picked up by the ABC
and CBS TV networks, CNN Headline News, other cable networks, local cable
operators, and CNN Airport Network at 35 major airports which are not
tracked by Nielsen and which would push all of the total values
significantly higher.

More than a year later, past this tracking time frame, there are reports of
sightings this month in San Francisco and Washington D.C. markets and on
cable. Typical of the e-mails received by the Alliance, Eve Norman of San
Francisco writes: "I LOVE this commercial. This has got to be one of the
funniest spots I've ever seen. First time I saw it, I was dozing on the
couch, woke up thinking for a moment that it was serious. What a great idea:
using static electricity. Of course, I then realized it was a very clever
spoof. Thanks, for a good laugh plus valuable information."

In case you missed the PSA:


DRAM, Alliance Partner to 'Advance' Advanced Metering Technologies

The Alliance, in coordination with the Demand Response and Advanced Metering
Coalition (DRAM) is developing plans for new initiatives in the area of
metering, which may include consumer awareness programs, work on technology
standards and other related areas. For several years, the Alliance has been
monitoring policy and developments in the area of advanced metering, and in
particular time-of-use and real-time metering. These technologies have
received a great deal of attention recently, as they have been increasingly
deployed in so-called "demand response" programs, which help save energy and
money by consumers.

Read more:

For more information on the Alliance' efforts or those of the DRAM
coalition, contact Joe Loper, jloper@ase.org, or Bill Prindle,
bprindle@ase.org, at the Alliance.



Energy Efficiency Is Patriotism

A new web site has been created for people who want to contribute to the
effort against terrorism and who want to address the primary causes both of
anti-American sentiment and American dependence on foreign oil. America
consumes a disproportionate share of world oil resources, which has brought
a disproportionate amount of risk to America - risks to our health, safety,
economy, and national security.

At www.SaveABarrel.org, visitors are asked to take a "Patriot's Energy
Pledge." The Patriot's Energy Pledge Campaign(tm) SaveaBarrel.org(tm)
website was developed by "a bipartisan group of concerned citizens who
strongly believe that reducing our country's use of oil is essential to our
national security."

Read more and take the pledge:


New Web Site Offers Money-Saving Tips to Homeowners

Thinking of replacing an existing furnace or central air conditioner? Is the
existing system costing more to run than it has to? To help homeowners learn
more about saving, TimeEnergy.com has posted many key tips that affect
heating and cooling efficiency.

Read more:


'Demand-Response Programs,' Houston, Tex., March 7-8

This conference will enable participants to retain customers, sell surplus
output and minimize capacity constraints using technologies while allowing
optimal return on investments.

More info:


'Safety, Security in Electric Power Industry' Conference: Houston, Tex.,
March 25

The threat and scope of malicious and purposeful sabotage today is much
greater than that of natural disasters. Therefore, The Center for Business
Intelligence has developed the "Safety and Security in the Electric Power
Industry" conference. Power industry executives will examine the impact of
heightened security measures on their companies' day-to-day operations.

More information:


Alliance Staffer Verdict Returns to Texas

Working for the Alliance for nearly ten years, Energy Efficiency Financing
Director Malcolm Verdict is returning to his native state of Texas. Verdict
will continue to work within the energy efficiency community at his new post
at the Texas A&M University. We will miss him and wish him well at his new
home and in his new job.

Energy Job Openings

Fort Collins Utilities
Energy Services Engineer.

Fort Collins Utilities (FCU) is the municipal utility providing electric,
water, wastewater and stormwater services to Fort Collins, a growing town of
120,000 in northern Colorado at the eastern front of the Rocky Mountains.
FCU has a longstanding reputation as a progressive utility. Since 1980, it
has offered a variety of energy efficiency services to its customers and has
been recognized regionally and nationally for its efforts.

The focus of the Energy Services Engineer is improving energy efficiency.
The job description can be viewed at http://www.fcgov.com/jobs.

Applications must be received by 8 Feb 2002.


Need to reach someone at the Alliance to Save Energy? View our staff list by
name and area of expertise. www.ase.org/about/staff.htm


This e-mail newsletter is sent monthly to anyone interested in
energy-efficiency issues.

Gadi Nevo Ben-Yehuda, Editor, webmaster@ase.org
David Nemtzow, Publisher, nemtzow@ase.org

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e-FFICIENCY NEWS? Want to write an opinion piece? Letter to the editor?
Share some information with others? We'd enjoy hearing from you:

Alliance to Save Energy
1200 18th St., NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036