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=09=09 Integrating Lean & Six Sigma Seminar Presented by the Lean Six S= igma Institute =09 =09 What You Can Expect From This Seminar: Become a Certified Lean Six Sig= ma Master! A world-class company cannot afford to overlook the global m= etric of Six Sigma to reduce variation and waste. These companies are also = using lean techniques to increase throughput and reduce cycle times. This c= ourse shows you how to integrate Lean and Six Sigma tools to achieve busine= ss performance excellence. You'll attend four intensive weeks of integrated= Lean and Six Sigma instruction--one week of seminar per month for four mon= ths. Between instruction weeks, you'll focus on getting results for your or= ganization by using the tools in your own work environment. You'll devote a= t least one-third of your back-at-the-plant: time to an actual business per= formance improvement project. During the next instruction week, you'll shar= e your project results with the program leaders and other participants, who= will provide review and critique. =09About the Seminar Leaders: Caryl= Eiseler has designed, authorized, and delivered training and consulting se= rvices in process design, quality management, Lean and quick response manuf= acturing, project management and SPC to major automotive, pharmaceutical, i= nformation technology, semi-conductor aerospace and financial services and = public sector clients. Clients include: Newell Rubbermaid, Raytheon Missile= Systems, Cisco Systems, National Semiconductor, General Atomics, Internati= onal Truck and Engine Co. and many others.=09 =09=09Michael Rowney, Ph.D., a knowledgeable leader in Lean and Six Sigma, = has more than 40 years of experience in business and consulting for competi= tive excellence. Areas of expertise include customer orientation and custom= er satisfaction, new product/service development, process control and capab= ility, process improvement/reengineering, manufacturing and service for the= Lean Enterprise, team processes problem solving, strategic planning, strat= egy deployment and results measurement.=09 =09=09 [IMAGE]=09 =09=09Cost: First Participant: $12,500 Additional Participants: $10,000 e= ach=09 Seminar content: Week 1: Nov. 5-9, 2001 Target: To create significant bu= siness performance improvements by applying and integrating Lean and Six Si= gma tools, including: The need for a singular improvements focus: determin= ation, diagnosis and development Setting the stage - understanding the imp= act of change on the organization Using assessment tools to identify oppor= tunities for business improvements Green belt training, Part 1: learning b= usiness processes, problem solving and quality improvement tools =09 We= ek 2: Dec. 10-14, 2001 Target: To translate assessment results into action= plans, to achieve synergy and success by integrating Lean and Six Sigma to= ols, including: Business performance improvement projects - progress repor= ts by participants Understanding systems and synergies - people, processes = and technology Green belt training, Part 2: implementing effective process = management tools Understanding lean tools: Part A Lean and green belt - map= ping lean tools to process management Beyond process management and control= - understanding and mapping the value stream =09=09 Week 3: Jan. 21-25, 2002 Target: To study and apply advanced tools, inclu= ding: Business performance improvement projects: progress reports by parti= cipants Understanding lean tools: Part B Understanding waste and value in p= rocesses - the first step in reducing cycle time Process variation as an ob= stacle to achieving optimum results from lean Black belt training, Part 1: = managing process change through people - how lean tools can help =09Week 4= : Feb. 25-Mar. 1, 2002 Target: To study and apply advanced tools; to sust= ain the performance gains, including: Developing responsiveness as a compe= titive advantage Business performance improvement projects - progress repor= ts by participants Black belt training, Part 2: levers & drivers - understa= nding when and why to use design of experiments Deploying Six Sigma and Lea= n tools in "white collar" productivity: Office Kaizen Understanding Gage R = and R studies Lean Six Sigma post-test - knowledge management =09To Regist= er: Mail: University of Dayton Center for Competitive Change = 300 College Park, CSC 246 Dayton, OH 45469-1129 Phone: 937-2= 29-4632 FAX: 937-229-4666 Email: UDCCC@udayton.edu On-Line: www.Comp= etitiveChange.com The Lean Six Sigma Institute was created through a= grant from The Kaufman Consulting Group (KCG) . The "Integrating Lean & = Six Sigma" course curriculum and associated materials were also developed b= y KCG. =09 =09=09 KCG delivers the same "Integrating Lean & Six Sigma" course for clie= nts who are interested in a customizable, on-site program. Participants rec= eive Master Black Belt certification from the University of Dayton's Center= for Competitive Change. For more information, contact Mike Ellis at 317-81= 8-2430 or by email at mellis@implementation.com .=09