Enron Mail

Subject:Prayer Journal
Date:Fri, 7 Dec 2001 08:28:15 -0800 (PST)

Mr. Lay,
The scripture today was from Psalms 7 through Psalms 10. I am so overwhelmed with what God is showing me. I so hope you are being ministered to.
I just heard from a friend that you are apparently going to have to appear in court. I don't know if this is true but the message is still the same. God loves you. I know that you, maybe above all the rest, KNOW that. Minister to the others that know Him. Pray for them, with them. They need to know the One that we know.
I am glad I heard so that I may pray for you specifically.
12/7/01: Lord, all through this You have shown me over and over your holiness but most of all, more than all, Your grace. You lead me to confess this morning that I have not trusted the hand of God because I didn't really trust the heart of God. In all of this, You have shown me Your heart. By showing me Your heart for one of Your children in trouble, grave trouble, You have made me know You. How could I deny a Father that has such kindness towards His children? One that does NOT accuse us but says "Come to me, I will give you rest. I will save you. It gives me pleasure to give you the Kingdom."
Lord, Mr. Lay, probably already knows all of this and maybe this has all been for me. All I know is that more than ever, I come before You on behalf of my brother, Ken. You, above all others, know every thought, every fear, every doubt, every arrow from the enemy that has made its way through. Every verse that you have uttered into my heart has been about how you love him. How you delight in him. How you do not condemn him. How you see the righteous acts he has done. Maybe even from seeds sown in his life long ago - I don't know - but You have shown me certainly that this is the God I want to give my whole heart to. I don't want to hold anything back anymore, ever again. I am in love with you, Jesus. I thank you for the emphasis on the verse about how You will MAKE us love YOU with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength.
Do that for Mr. Lay, Lord. Do that for him. Pour out Your Spirit on him so that he can't help but completely give up to this God of his. This God that has never left him-will never leave him. This Father that says "I delight in you". This Bridegroom that says, "I promise to take care of all your needs. I want you with me for the rest of my life". This Son given to us as a baby. Laid at the feet of mankind as The Lamb offering that God required. Like You lead Abraham to prophesy so many years before "And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together" (Genesis 22:8). Lord, YOU ALONE ARE WORTHY OF OUR PRAISE. Thank you. In Jesus name.
Lynda Phinney
The Joy of the Lord is my strength...