Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Enron Kids
Date:Thu, 3 Jan 2002 14:33:51 -0800 (PST)

I am handling.....
-----Original Message-----
From: Fleming, Rosalee On Behalf Of Lay, Kenneth
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 9:05 AM
To: Olson, Cindy
Subject: FW: Enron Kids
Importance: High

Cindy, I'm passing on to you. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Michael Laird" <danesmommy0702@msn.com<@ENRON
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2002 8:35 AM
To: Lay, Kenneth; Olson, Cindy
Subject: Enron Kids

I previously worked for Enron and have found employment elsewhere. I really would like to put my son back into Enron Kids starting Monday, but I cannot afford $800 a month. Do you know if the rates will be lowered? I am a single mother and can only afford $650 - $680 a month. Could you please get back with me as soon as possible? I need to know if I am going to have to put him in another daycare.
Thank you for your consideration.

Susan Laird