Enron Mail

To:josef.ackermann@db.com, khalidaalireza@xenel.com, rahulbajaj@bajajauto.com,franco@bernabe.it, suzanne.schneider@nestle.com, browne_ejp@bp.com, burdahu@burda.com, vchu@compuserve.com, bertrand.collomb@lafarge.com, jcopeland@dttus.com, vernon.j.ellis@ac
Subject:WEF Council Meeting -- Follow -Up
Cc:klaus_schwab@weforum.org, donna.redel@weforum.org,sunil.misser@us.pwcglobal.com, tom.craren@us.pwcglobal.com, a.simon@us.pwcglobal.com
Bcc:klaus_schwab@weforum.org, donna.redel@weforum.org,sunil.misser@us.pwcglobal.com, tom.craren@us.pwcglobal.com, a.simon@us.pwcglobal.com
Date:Tue, 25 Sep 2001 07:42:03 -0700 (PDT)

Ladies and Gentleman:

As a follow up to our last Council meeting, we agreed to elaborate and
clarify our thoughts on the Global Business Council. Some of those who
attended the meeting have already shared thoughts and ideas with us. Now I
would like to get input from others on the Council. We intend to complete
this process as quickly as possible, as Klaus has requested that we present
a reframed charter at the next council meeting in early November. We had
intended to launch this project sooner, but events of last two weeks
prevented this.

I have asked Sunny Misser, US leader of PwC's Sustainability services to
assist me in this effort. Sunny will be contacting you in the next few
days to understand your thinking and incorporate your perspective in this

Additionally, I am including an overview of the process and timetable for
your review. As we proceed with this exercise, it would be helpful to
understand your thoughts in the following areas:

- What are some of the key pressures confronting the WEF
- What is the value of creating a Global Business Council
- What will the GBC do (i.e. role/function)
- How should the GBC be positioned within the WEF
- How will we practically implement the GBC

Thank you once again for taking the time from your busy schedules to
develop this thinking. We will keep you apprised of our progress.



(See attached file: WEF Process.ppt)

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- WEF Process.ppt