Enron Mail

To:stephen.barth@enron.com, kenneth.lay@enron.com
Subject:Competitors: Houston company wins stadium naming rights
Date:Wed, 18 Oct 2000 06:28:00 -0700 (PDT)

Surprise! Surprise! Beth
---------------------- Forwarded by Elizabeth Tilney/HOU/EES on 10/18/2000
01:24 PM ---------------------------

Peggy Mahoney
10/18/2000 12:47 PM
To: Elizabeth Tilney/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Competitors: Houston company wins stadium naming rights

Reliant wins naming rights for football stadium
---------------------- Forwarded by Peggy Mahoney/HOU/EES on 10/18/2000 12:46
PM ---------------------------

kpope@enron.com on 10/18/2000 06:56:34 AM
To: <pmahoney@enron.com<, <csmith6@enron.com<, <meberts@enron.com<
Subject: Competitors: Houston company wins stadium naming rights

E-mailed by: Dow Jones Interactive (R) Server Software
Folder: Competitors

Houston company wins stadium naming rights

Houston company wins stadium naming rights

Oct. 18, 2000
Associated Press Newswires
Copyright 2000. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.

HOUSTON (AP) - Houston-based <B<Reliant</B< <B<Energy</B< Inc., has won
the naming
rights for the stadium that will be the home of the NFL's Houston
Texans, Houston TV station KRIV reported Tuesday.

According to KRIV, the 30-year deal is worth $300 million.

The 69,500-seat retractable-roofed stadium is on schedule to open for
the start of the 2002 NFL season. It is being constructed just yards
away from the Astrodome.
The new stadium, billed as the only football stadium with a
retractable roof, will have 1.9 million square feet compared with 1.1
million in the Astrodome.


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