Enron Mail

To:kenneth.lay@enron.com, jeff.skilling@enron.com, joseph.sutton@enron.com,jbannan@enron.com, cliff.baxter@enron.com, sanjay.bhatnagar@enron.com, rick.buy@enron.com, richard.causey@enron.com, diomedes.christodoulou@enron.com, andrew.fastow@enron.com, c
Subject:Expenditures with Minority/Women Owned Business Enterprises through
Date:Fri, 27 Oct 2000 10:02:00 -0700 (PDT)

Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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X-From: Calvin Eakins
X-To: Kenneth Lay, Jeff Skilling, Joseph W Sutton, jbannan@enron.com, Cliff Baxter, Sanjay Bhatnagar, Rick Buy, Richard Causey, Diomedes Christodoulou, Stephanie Harris@ENRON, Andrew S Fastow, Calvin Eakins, Mark Frevert, Kevin Hannon, David W Delainey, David Haug, Stanley Horton, Larry L Izzo, Steven J Kean, Mike McConnell, Rebecca McDonald, Jeffrey McMahon, Cindy Olson, Karen S Owens@ees, Ken Rice, Jeffrey Sherrick, John Sherriff, Elizabeth Tilney, Greg Whalley, Thomas E White, John Garrison, J Mark Metts, Daniel Brown, Dana Lee, George Wasaff
X-Folder: \Kenneth_Lay_Dec2000\Notes Folders\Notes inbox
X-Origin: LAY-K
X-FileName: klay.nsf

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Set forth below for your information and review are the expenditures with
Minority/Women Owned Business Enterprises through September 30, 2000.
Should you have any questions, please contact me at x69500.

Calvin Eakins
Director, Minority & Women Business Development
Enron Global Strategic Sourcing