Enron Mail

To:klay@enron.com, d.carlson@mail.house.gov,jordancapitalmanagement@worldnet.att.net, dlaine@pstrategies.com
Subject:Fw: Moving Averages thru November 2nd
Date:Fri, 3 Nov 2000 01:23:00 -0800 (PST)

See our pollster's last coment.
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael D. Baselice <mikeb@baselice.com<
To: George Postolos (E-mail) <georgep@rocketball.com<; Angela Blakeney
(E-mail) <angelab@rocketball.com<; Dave Walden (E-mail) <savont@msn.com<;
Glenn Smith (E-mail) <gsmith@pstrategies.com<; Dale Laine (E-mail)
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 8:56 AM
Subject: Moving Averages thru November 2nd

1. We our best night last night : 63% For / 29% Against for a 4-day roll of
59% For / 34% Against on the ballot.
2. We also had our best night on the intensity: 41% Strongly For / 22%
Strongly Against for a 4-day roll of 38% Strongly For / 27% Strongly
Against on the ballot.
3. Impressions of what was seen, read or head were 52% more likely / 22%
less likely to support the building of a new arena on Thursday. This
brings the 4-day roll to 45% more likely / 27% less likely.
4. We are in control of the message environment, and this is why we are
doing so well on the ballot.

We are going to win this thing ladies and gents!

Baselice & Associates, Inc.
4131 Spicewood Springs Road
Suite O-2
Austin, TX 78759
Phone: (512) 345-9720
Fax: (512) 345-9740
email: mikeb@baselice.com