Enron Mail

Subject:My Successor
Date:Mon, 25 Sep 2000 04:00:00 -0700 (PDT)

Steve: I want you to know that I received calls from two people in this
office this morning who advised that my successor (Linda) was to be announced
today. I thought I had a committment from you and Rick that the people in
this office would meet the final candidates and make input before a final
decision was made.

The rumors have been very active throughout this process and people in this
office have been aware of the various candidates. I have gained 98 percent of
my information from my office collegues. I have not been discussing any of
these matters with outsiders suggesting that they contact Nils for any

Naturally, I am concerned how this announcement is to be made because I am
hoping to have a life after Enron possibly a position in a future
administration. I have had a very successful tenure from the standpoint of
accomplishments and establishing the groundwork for additional success which
my successor will have the benefit. Therefore, I want a very positive
statement made about my service with a Ken Lay quote.
