Enron Mail

Subject:Proactive Intelligence, Inc.
Date:Tue, 26 Sep 2000 11:19:00 -0700 (PDT)



I have been watching a new company since April. The founder worked at=20
Insource Technology as a consultant for a while and is a good guy. The=20
service is explained in the executive summary attached, but in a nutshell=
they solve the need for reliable information support for schools by getting=
the server out of the schools and onto an Application Service Provider. The=
result is much better information (attendance, grading, assignments,=20
messages, etc.) but the schools only need a simple computer with a browser =
access the service. If one computer breaks, they simply move to another=20
computer and access the service. This is the same concept as Questia, but=
they can get by with much older computer technology, which is a big plus fo=
schools. Also, parents can access essentially real time information about=
their child=01,s grades and attendance, and can easily communicate with the=
teacher through the messaging.


When I met with them in April, I liked the idea but was consumed with=20
Questia. Since then, they have launched a beta test and then rolled out the=
production version of the service in the DeSoto ISD. They trained over 200=
teachers and have proven the simplicity and effectiveness of their system.=
Lamar Consolidated ISD has requested that they rollout the service in three=
test schools this fall.? They also just hired a new CEO, Roland Rodriquez, =
lead the company, with the founder continuing to be involved.


They are trying to raise $3 million. John Chaney and I met with them Tuesda=
morning and decided after the meeting that we were both interested in putti=
around half a million in the company, and that we needed to get three or fo=
others to put in about the same amount.? We are both willing to go on the=
board, with one or two other new outside directors.


Ken, this is not in the same ballpark as Questia, but it is a very good ide=
and I believe they can pull it off. Please let me know if you have any=20
questions and if you would like to have a meeting with them.


- PI Executive Summary.pdf