Enron Mail

Subject:Sigaba Secure Internet Communication
Date:Fri, 25 Aug 2000 08:11:00 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Kenneth,

My name is Cole Albon. I work for Sigaba, a secure internet communications
company and I'd like to get you started using our technology. We enable a
"send secure" button in an existing email client so that your sensitive
emails can be sent across the internet in privacy. Sigaba is extremely easy
to use and works on both internal and external company email. I'd like you
and your executive team to start using our software. Then, if it makes
sense for you to use our encryption solution on a company wide basis, I'd
like to present you with an enterprise solution.

- When you send an email, it is sent through several servers on the way to
its recipient.
- These servers are not owned by you or the recipient, so many people can
read the contents.
- Given your position, you probably send information that you don't want
others to read.
- Sigaba can give you the technology to protect your emails without you
changing your software or email habits.

My contact information is below and you can download our software at
http://www.sigaba.com. If you'd like investigate further, please feel free
to contact me directly or forward my contact information to your Manager of
Network Security.

Thanks for your time,


Cole Albon
Account Executive
Sigaba Corporation
(650) 572-7210
2727 South El Camino Real
San Mateo, CA 94403-2430