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Subject:REMOVE FROM E-MAIL ADDRESSES - Re: New NBR Publication on "Japan's
Date:Thu, 22 Mar 2001 01:42:00 -0800 (PST)

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lists@nbr.org on 03/21/2001 04:02:46 PM
To: klay@enron.com
Subject: New NBR Publication on "Japan's Energy Angst"

NBR is pleased to announce the publication of NBR Analysis,
vol. 12, no.1, "Japan's Energy Angst and the Caspian Great Game,"
by Kent E. Calder, director of Princeton University's Program on
U.S.-Japan Relations and former special advisor to U.S.
Ambassadors Thomas Foley and Walter Mondale.

In this essay, Professor Calder assesses Japan's role in the
competition for access to the Caspian's energy reserves by
identifying the various forces motivating Japan's entry into the
Caspian Great Game.

To read the entire article at no charge, please visit NBR's
website at http://www.nbr.org.


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