Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Prospective Meeting with Jim Harmon, Chairman of EXIMBank,
Date:Sun, 27 Feb 2000 09:14:00 -0800 (PST)

Cc: joseph.sutton@enron.com, cindy.adams@enron.com
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Bcc: joseph.sutton@enron.com, cindy.adams@enron.com
X-From: Rosalee Fleming
X-To: John Hardy
X-cc: Joseph W Sutton, Steven J Kean@EES, Jeffrey McMahon@ECT, Cindy Adams
X-Folder: \Kenneth_Lay_Dec2000\Notes Folders\Sent
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Hi John -

Ken said that given he will be in town on March 15, he will plan to attend
the meeting also. By way of this e-mail, I'll check with Joe's office to see
what time it's scheduled.



cc: Steven J Kean@EES, Jeffrey McMahon@ECT
Subject: Prospective Meeting with Jim Harmon, Chairman of EXIMBank, March 15

Ken and Joe
Jim Harmon, Chairman of EXIMBank will be in Houston March 15 and would like
to meet with Enron to see where there are opportunities for EXIM to work more
closely with the company. He will be accompanied by Jeff Miller VP who
oversees the finance operations and perhaps Barabara O"Boyle, head of the
project finance group. As you know we have done little with the Bank since
Trakya. We intended to use the Bank for Dabhol 2 but were prevented to by
sanctions imposed against India. Joe is now on the EXIM Advisory Committee
so it would be a good opportunity to sit down with the Bank.
I understand that Ken has received a letter from EXIM about the meeting and
referred it to Joe. I would propose that Joe lead the meeting with some of
the regional finance people (parallel the Munoz schedule, but shorter) with a
brief courtesy call on Ken or Ken could step in for a moment whenever he is
I will check with Pam re Joe's availability and follow up with a memo re the
market window initiative with EXIM where my office is heavily involved.