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---------------------- Forwarded by Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT on 09/11/2000
08:33 AM --------------------------- Ross Berthelot <rossberthelot@home.com< on 09/08/2000 05:30:27 PM Please respond to rossberthelot@home.com To: Allison Istre <a_istre@msn.com<, Amy Allums <aallums@law.tulane.edu<, Ashly Morgan <ashly@eatel.net<, BBBERTH <BBBERTH@aol.com<, Ben Berthelot <bberthelot@ccbcu.com<, "'Bert and Bret Turner'" <BJBJTURNER1@aol.com<, Bert Turner <Bertjturner@aol.com<, Bob Marz <bobby_marz@rosewd.com<, "'Brandon Cambre'" <bcambr@lsumc.edu<, Brian Bonjour <brianbonjour@hotmail.com<, Callen Schramm <cschramm@pclient.ML.com<, Callie Fuselier <CALLIEF@aol.com<, Chad Greer <cgreer@mgm.com<, Chaz Ripoll <fahtt@aol.com<, chris bourgeois <cbourge@yahoo.com<, Chris Coulon <cpc25@msn.com<, CHRIS FRERET <cfreret@hotmail.com<, Chris Hufft <chufft@dttus.com<, Clay and Corinne Hufft <chufft@bellsouth.net<, Danny Boudreaux <dboudr1@lsu.edu<, David Nicaud <DNicLSU@aol.com<, David Ural <dural54@aol.com<, denise hopkins <dahopkins@aol.com<, Dizneach <JDEACH@aol.com<, Dog Boy <denisnaq@home.com<, Don Edgerton <mbdperforms@eatel.net<, emily elliot <psyee@showme.missouri.edu<, Emmet Nicaud <enicaud@entechsales.com<, Eric Barrileaux <ebarri1@lsu.edu<, erin saporito <esaporito@crt.state.la.us<, Gerard Herbert <gerherb@hotmail.com<, House Bitch <Chad.Landry@enron.com<, Jacques Peltier <jpelti@lsumc.edu<, Jake Greig <jakegreig@yahoo.com<, Jeff Jenkins <jjenkins73@hotmail.com<, Jerome Landreneau <LandreneauJ@aol.com<, Johnny Battaglia <john.battaglia@wilhelmina.com<, Larry Shirey <lwshirey@aol.com<, Lawrence Centola <ljc76@hotmail.com<, Litton <litton.schexnaildre@inteq.com<, Louis Ledet <LLedet3234@aol.com<, Luke Berthelot <LBerth123@aol.com<, Matt Lenhart <Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com<, "MattCrow40@aol.com" <MattCrow40@aol.com<, Mike Breland <mbrelan@lsu.edu<, Mike Burgin <john.m.burgin@ac.com<, Mike Gooch <michael.gooch@nmfn.com<, Mike Hall <mhall1@lsumc.edu<, Mike Thomas <mthoma6@lsu.edu<, Mom <BGreig3234@aol.com<, Myers Namie <CLCS@MSN.COM<, Nick Danna <ndanna@lsu.edu<, Nick Slie <tamyus@aol.com<, Patrick Strange <PStran1@aol.com<, Paul Thibidoeaux <pthibod@aol.com<, Portealous <tporteous@burke-mayer.com<, Rhett Staehling <staehling@hotmail.com<, Richie Harpel <Rharpel@texas.net<, Ross Berthelot <Ross_Berthelot@mail.bankone.com<, Ryan Hemelt <Rhemelt1@aol.com<, Scott DeHart <dehart81@hotmail.com<, Scott Dusang <sdusang@earthlink.net<, Scott Naquin <scottnaquin@aol.com<, Shannon Strange <CLCSNO@MSN.COM<, Shawn Darrah <sdarrah@lsu.edu<, Tim Dietz <TDietz@Allstate.com<, Tom Summers <tomsum@swbell.net<, Tom Williamson <tpwilliamson@nalco.com<, Tommy Porteous <Porteoust@aol.com<, Val Generes <val.generes@ac.com<, Will Fusaiotti <wfusaiotti@aol.com<, Zack Smith <zfoto@earthlink.net<, Denis Greig <HDGREIG@aol.com<, Catie Moss <cmoss@lsu.edu< cc: Subject: Amen, brother At their annual meeting before the beginning of the football season, the top southern football programs decided to have Golden phones installed in each of their respective offices. One day a recruit named Marcus walked into Jackie Sherrill's Miss. State office and saw his Golden phone sitting there. "Wow," Marcus exclaimed, "What's that?" Jackie responded, "Well son, that's my Golden Phone; it's a direct line to Heaven. "Wow, that's pretty neat," Marcus responded. "Do you think I could make a call on that phone?" "Well yes, but it's going to cost you about $100. You can make the check out to the Mississippi State University Football Foundation," replied Jackie. "That's a lot of money. I don't think I should spend that much. Thanks anyway," Marcus replied as he left the office. A few weeks later Marcus took a visit at the campus of Texas A&M University and went into Coach R. C. Slocum 's office where again he saw a Golden phone. "What exactly is that phone for?" asked Marcus. Coach Slocum replied, "That's my direct line to Heaven." "Do you think I could make a call from that phone?" asked Marcus. "Well sure, but it's going to cost you about $200, and you can make the check out to the Texas A&M University Foundation." replied Slocum. "Oh never mind, I don't have that kind of money. Thanks though." Marcus shook his head and left Coach Slocum's office. The next weekend, Marcus took his official visit to Louisiana State University campus and made the office of Coach Saban his first stop. Upon arriving, the first thing Marcus noticed was the Golden phone on Coach Saban's desk. Marcus asked if that was a direct line to Heaven. When Coach Saban replied that it was, Marcus again asked if he could make a call using the phone. "Well sure you can, but it will cost you 35 cents," replied Saban. Upon hearing this, Marcus' eyes got real big and he said, "Really? Then why did Coach Sherrill and Coach Slocum tell me it would cost so much more?" Coach Saban looked up from behind his desk and smiled, saying, "Because, son, here at LSU, it's a local call." L S U --- GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!