Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Check your status out !
Date:Tue, 1 Aug 2000 00:32:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT on 08/01/2000
07:31 AM ---------------------------

"Turner, Bret" <bret.turner@csfb.com< on 07/06/2000 10:20:06 AM
To: "Aaron Hurlbert (E-mail)" <Hurl007@aol.com<, "Alex Schott (E-mail)"
<aschott1976@cs.com<, "Bert Turner (E-mail)" <bturner@ssoe.com<, "Brandon
Cambre (E-mail)" <bcambr@lsumc.edu<, "Celeste Turner (E-mail)"
<CMCMTURNER@aol.com<, "Chad. Landry (E-mail)" <chad.landry@enron.com<,
"Dannylsu (E-mail)" <dannylsu@hotmail.com<, "Elizabeth Uddo (E-mail)"
<Haci226@aol.com<, "Helen Turner (E-mail)" <helengturner@aol.com<, "Joaquin
Targhetta (E-mail)" <joaquin.targhetta@es.arthurandersen.com<, "Jpelti
(E-mail)" <jpelti@lsumc.edu<, "Kellie Matherne (E-mail)"
<kelliemath@aol.com<, "kelly landry (E-mail)" <klandry@wallace.com<, "Kevin
Stolzenthaler (E-mail)" <kstolze@yahoo.com<, "Matthew. Lenhart (E-mail)"
<matthew.lenhart@enron.com<, "Maziarz (E-mail)" <maziarz@bellsouth.net<,
"Mike Plauche (E-mail)" <llabn@aol.com<, "Shawn Darrah (E-mail)"
<sdarrah@entergy.com<, "Nick Danna (E-mail)" <Nicholas.Danna@ey.com<, "Tim
Dietz (E-mail)" <TDietz@allstate.com<, "Timothy_Blanchard (E-mail)"
<timothy_blanchard@enron.com<, "Tyler Trahant (E-mail)"
<ttrahant@rdminker.com<, "Val Generes (E-mail)" <val.generes@ac.com<, "'Zoe
Cerbauskas'" <zcerbauskas@morganmckinley.com<

Subject: FW: Check your status out !

Who ever has the highest score is the coolest -- YA!!!!!

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Agostini, Marco
< Sent: 05 June 2000 10:28
< To: Turner, Bret
< Subject: FW: Check your status out !
< -----Original Message-----
< From: Deacon, Sean
< Sent: 05 June 2000 08:12
< To: Agostini, Marco; Peacock, George; Haroutunian, Paul; Threadgold,
< Keith; James, Ben; Dark, David; Byrne, Tim; Jeacock, Matthew; McCrudden,
< Jamie
< Subject: Check your status out !
< <<Corruptt.exe<<
< Dan Amor
< * +171 888
< Fax +171 888 3860
< * : MailTo:daniel.amor@csfb.com

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- Corruptt.exe