Enron Mail

To:timothy.blanchard@enron.com, bryan.hull@enron.com, luis.mena@enron.com,val.generes@ac.com, paul.lucci@enron.com, lisa.gillette@enron.com, susan.scott@enron.com, tori.kuykendall@enron.com, jay.reitmeyer@enron.com, stephen.plauche@enron.com
Subject:FW: FW: THIS IS SCARY!!! DO IT!!
Date:Tue, 16 Jan 2001 07:07:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT on 01/16/2001
03:05 PM ---------------------------

"Marcantel MM (Mitch)" <MMMarcantel@equiva.com< on 01/16/2001 01:36:51 PM
To: "Oncale Z (Zach)" <ZONCALE@equiva.com<, "Vignes AB (Andrew)"
<ABVignes@equiva.com<, "LeBlanc K (Keith)" <KLeBlanc@equiva.com<,
"'Chad.Landry@enron.com'" <Chad.Landry@enron.com<, Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com

Subject: FW: FW: THIS IS SCARY!!! DO IT!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Jamey Monceaux [mailto:jmonceau@mindspring.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 2:25 PM
To: Alli Reviere; Brian Reeves; candepea@hotmail.com;
Cynthia.L.Paschall@m1.irs.gov; jessica daquilla; gavin schwing; jeanne
Fontenot; jennifer danna; Jonas Beatty; Mitch Andrus; melanie stover;
Mitch Work; nat (work); nat monceaux; Shawn & Ali; paula tregre
Subject: Fw: FW: THIS IS SCARY!!! DO IT!!

----- Original Message -----
From: <mdaville@prhc.net<
To: <smire@akool.com<
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 2:55 PM
Subject: Fw: FW: THIS IS SCARY!!! DO IT!!

---------------------- Forwarded by Monica Daville/Eunice/phccorp on
01/12/2001 02:40 PM ---------------------------

Dolly Moreau
01/12/2001 02:29 PM

To: Amy M Fremin/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Arlene
Chachere/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Beverly L
Rozas/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Carla R
Fontenot/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Christine
Sonnier/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Connie R
Joseph/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Dale Semar/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp,
Debbie Langley/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Debbie
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Denel LaFleur/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Diana H
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Doris Brown/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, James
Manuel/Opelousas/phccorp@phccorp, Jana
Reviere/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Jean
Higginbotham/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, L. D.
Savoy/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Lanell
Landreneau/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Larry
Walker/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Liz Lowe/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Lynn
Pavich/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Marcella R.
Prejean/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Mary Fontenot/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp,
Melissa L Buller/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Michelle
Fruge/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Missy Joubert/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp,
Monica Daville/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Nick
Pavich/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Pat Aguillard/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp,
Rhonda Medlin/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Roddy
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Sandra J Colligan/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Shane
Fontenot/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Shannon D'
Aubin/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Theresa Veillon/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp,
Toby Savoy/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Tony

Subject: Fw: FW: THIS IS SCARY!!! DO IT!!

---------------------- Forwarded by Dolly Moreau/Eunice/phccorp on
01/12/2001 02:14 PM ---------------------------

Peggy J. Morgan
01/12/2001 09:37 AM

To: Jackie L. Verrette/Opelousas/phccorp@phccorp,
dmorgan@rev.state.la.us, beaniebabe599@cs.com, dmichele01@aol.com,
agaudet@iberiamedicalcenter.com, rcchase@vvm.com, Dolly
Moreau/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Marcella R.
Prejean/Eunice/phccorp@phccorp, Catherine M.
Gallien/Opelousas/phccorp@phccorp, Ann
Hume/Opelousas/phccorp@phccorp, Barbara L.
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Thibodeaux/Opelousas/phccorp@phccorp, Chris

Subject: Fw: FW: THIS IS SCARY!!! DO IT!!

----- Forwarded by Peggy J. Morgan/phccorp on 01/12/01 09:34 AM -----

Pat Walls
01/12/01 cc:
09:11 AM Subject:

----- Forwarded by Pat Walls/phccorp on 01/12/01 09:08 AM -----

Trula Saeger

01/12/01 cc:
09:02 AM Subject:

----- Forwarded by Trula Saeger/phccorp on 01/12/01 08:59 AM -----

Sue Wiley
01/12/01 cc:
08:53 AM Subject:

----- Forwarded by Sue Wiley/phccorp on 01/12/01 08:52 AM -----

Gilreath" To:
<kdcg@earthli cc:
nk.net< Subject:

03:29 PM

----- Original Message -----
From: Janet Theado <jtheado@integragrp.com<
To: 'Barbara Theado' <BATDRT@cs.com<; 'Delores Gilreath'
<kdcg@earthlink.net<; 'Douglas Campbell' <wdc341@msn.com<; 'Jan Bennett'
<Jan_Bennett@cgha.com<; 'Kathy Olberding' <Kato2265@aol.com<; 'Martha
<m_crisp@compaq.net<; 'Michael Crisp' <mccrisp@surfsouth.com<; 'Sherry
Crisp' <astrofl@bellsouth.net<; 'Tricia Baker' <Trixilea@cinci.rr.com<
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 3:28 PM
Subject: FW: FW: THIS IS SCARY!!! DO IT!!

< < < << < < < < This Is Scary!!
< < < << < < < <
< < < << < < < < The Phone Will Ring Right After You Do This. . .
< < < << < < < < Just read the little stories and make a wish.
< < < << < < < < Scroll all the way to the bottom and there is alittle
< < < << < < < re -then
< < < << < < < < do
< < < << < < < < it. No attachment on this one.
< < < << < < < <
< < < << < < < < I'm 13 years old, and I wished that my dad would come home
< < from
< < < <<the
< < < << < < < army,
< < < << < < < < because he'd been having problems with his heart and right
< < leg.
< < It
< < < <<was
< < < << < < < < 2:53
< < < << < < < < p.m. that I'd made the wish. At 3:07 p.m. (14 minutes
< < the
< < < << < < < doorbell
< < < << < < < < rang, and there he was, luggage and all!!
< < < << < < < < Katie
< < < << < < < <
< < < << < < < < I'm 20 and I've been having trouble in my job and on the
< < verge
< < of
< < < << < < < < quitting.
< < < << < < < < I made a simple wish that my boss would get a new job.
< < was
< < a
< < < <<1:35
< < < << < < < and
< < < << < < < < at 2:55 there was an announcement that he was promoted.
< < < << < < < < Lisa
< < < << < < < <
< < < << < < < < Believe me... this really works!! Just scroll down to the
< < end,
< < but
< < < << < < < while
< < < << < < < < you
< < < << < < < < do, make a wish. Whatever age you are, is the number of
< < minutes
< < it
< < < << < < < will
< < < << < < < < take
< < < << < < < < for your wish to come true (ex. you are 15 years old, it
< < take
< < < <<15
< < < << < < < < minutes for your wish to come true).
< < < << < < < < Go!!!!!!
< < < << < < < < *
< < < << < < < < **
< < < << < < < < ***
< < < << < < < < ****
< < < << < < < < *****
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< < < << < < < < *
< < < << < < < <
< < < << < < < < STOP!!!!!!!!
< < < << < < < <
< < < << < < < <
< < < << < < < <
< < < << < < < < Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
< < < << < < < <
< < < << < < < < Your wish will now come true in your age minutes!!
< < < << < < < < Now follow this carefully.... it can be very rewarding!!!!
< < If
< < you
< < < << < < < < send this to 10 more people, other than the 5 that you
< < already
< < < <<have
< < < << < < < to
< < < << < < < < send
< < < << < < < < to, something major that you*ve been wanting will happen.
< < < << < < < <
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< < < <<
< < < <<
< < < <
< < <
< <
< < < <Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
< < http://www.hotmail.com.
< < < <
< < < <Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at
< < < <http://profiles.msn.com.
< < < <
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< <
< <