Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Fall Season begins Oct. 2nd!!
Date:Thu, 21 Sep 2000 06:01:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT on 09/21/2000
01:01 PM ---------------------------

"Marcantel MM (Mitch)" <MMMarcantel@equiva.com< on 09/21/2000 11:54:27 AM
To: "'Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com'" <Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com<

Subject: FW: Fall Season begins Oct. 2nd!!

Here's an update on the Fall league. Once you have a list of people
(hotties) who want to play, sent it to me and I'll make sure our team is

Pass this on the Brian Hull.

-----Original Message-----
From: Roy_Dealy@veritasdgc.com [mailto:Roy_Dealy@veritasdgc.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2000 11:30 AM
To: Andrea.Girouard@westgroup.com; AC199728@MSXSOC.shell.com;
bethany.crotty@ac.com; brettw@westernwaterproofing.com;
cyndiechon@yahoo.com; cyndie.chon@officeteam.com;
dtostado@microstrategy.com; davidswords@altavista.com;
spencer_doug@yahoo.com; EZachar@rens.com; HLCoursey@equiva.com;
hugh.kilpatrick@kvaerner.com; Jarield.Francis@HALLIBURTON.com;
jjacoby@rens.com; Jenb_2830@yahoo.com; Jennifer_Luke@eogresources.com;
JPardue@lgc.com; Joeytforrest@aol.com; jplafontaine@stoprust.com;
jreich@rens.com; kseschete@hotmail.com; Kim_Walsh@veritasdgc.com;
KBreau@coair.com; kyle_etter@hotmail.com; marc.kuck@bakeroiltools.com;
marckuck@ev1.net; Mary_Schroder@bmc.com; dmgue@aol.com;
mralvarez@shellus.com; MMMarcantel@equiva.com; Moniquem94@aol.com;
j_mo_tx@hotmail.com; natalie.a.giuffre@rssmb.com;
Nicola_Quin@veritasdgc.com; presche@ppco.com; frommera@ucarb.com;
rob.puckett@weatherford.com; baker_scot@hotmail.com;
scottflow@worldnet.att.net; sbennett@neosoft.com;
RICHESJ@MSXSOPC.shell.com; thad.scott@weatherford.com;
casares@astros.com; ZONCALE@equiva.com
Subject: Fall Season begins Oct. 2nd!!

I hope everyone enjoyed themselves this past season!!
As for me, despite the mood I was in during our loss Tuesday, I did
actually have fun! Sorry for being such a d---head!!

Anyway, on to more positive stuff.... I have decided to put myself through
this one more time (no Winter league for me!), but I need your help.
Please let me know the following...

- if you are interested in playing full-time in the Tuesday night Fall
coed league that will begin Oct. 3rd
- if you are only interested in being a sub

Remember, the cost of the team is fixed and each person's share is
determined by the number of people paying, so please only commit if you
will be coming out to play (and pay).

Please reply by next WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th. I will not assume that you
want to play unless you send me a confirmation email.
