Enron Mail

Subject:Fw: Amazon
Date:Thu, 1 Mar 2001 05:46:00 -0800 (PST)

---------------------- Forwarded by Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT on 03/01/2001
01:45 PM ---------------------------

"Ryan Lee" <ralee@rmi.net< on 03/01/2001 01:35:32 PM
To: "Waters, Timothy" <Timothy.Waters@iccx.net<, "Sarah Ritter"
<SRitter@blancandotus.com<, <matthew.lenhart@enron.com<, "julie carlin"
<julie_carlin@yahoo.com<, "Jayson Gill" <dodebag@hotmail.com<, "Haig Newton"
<haig@qwest.net<, "Chris Tuttle" <cbtuttle@hotmail.com<, "carmody alston"

Subject: Fw: Amazon

Don't fuck with me! ryan

----- Original Message -----
From: "Claude.Aldridge" <Claude.Aldridge@yellowglobal.com<
To: "Andy Patton (E-mail)" <andy.patton@wcom.com<; "Brian Beggs (E-mail)"
<bbeggs@paragoncap.com<; "Dave Shaw (E-mail)" <davidishaw@yahoo.com<; "Gordo
(E-mail)" <JGStanford@webtv.net<; "Greg Obrien (E-mail)"
<gobrien@lucent.com<; "Jake Istnick (E-mail)" <jakeistnick@hotmail.com<;
"Joel Bagby (E-mail)" <jmbagby@hotmail.com<; "Mark Bouchard (E-mail)"
<BouchardME@bv.com<; "Randy Roth (E-mail)" <rroth@hillyard.com<; "Randy Roth
(E-mail)" <randyroth@hillard.com<; "Ryan Butler (E-mail)"
<rbutler@fischercompany.com<; "Ryan Dickinson Work (E-mail)"
<ryan_dickinson@adc.com<; "Ryan Lee (E-mail)" <ralee@rmi.net<; "Scott Salyer
(E-mail)" <scott.salyer@gni.gte.com<; "Sean Cowherd (E-mail)"
<smc@jwscorp.com<; "Thad Smith (E-mail)" <thaddeusgsmith@yahoo.com<
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 7:37 AM
Subject: FW: Amazon

< -----Original Message-----
< From: Paul J Axtell [mailto:axtell@mail.utexas.edu]
< Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 8:32 AM
< To: Andiattcu@aol.com; abatz@fike.com; brigid_barry@hotmail.com;
< bbatz@fike.com; brianmfleming@hotmail.com; bsaunders9@hotmail.com; Chris
< Mauzy; claude.aldridge@yellowglobal.com; John_Avery@dell.com;
< john_o'herron@csicontrols.com; Katherine Marie Fasbender;
< lccoffey@hotmail.com; meghanervin@hotmail.com; pkbross@hotmail.com;
< patrick.carley@mail.utexas.edu; 'Sean Axtell'; wgramme2@csc.com
< Subject: Fw: Amazon
< ----- Original Message -----
< From: "John Thomas" <jthomas@tetco.net<
< To: <ebrannan@tetco.net<; <axtell@mail.utexas.edu<
< Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 7:37 AM
< Subject: Amazon
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< < File: Amazon.doc
< < Date: 1 Mar 2001, 7:46
< < Size: 297472 bytes.
< < Type: Unknown
< <

- Amazon.doc