Enron Mail

Subject:Fw: Good Golf Joke
Date:Wed, 14 Jun 2000 01:24:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT on 06/14/2000
08:24 AM ---------------------------

Bryan Hull
06/14/2000 06:54 AM
To: hullkron@bellsouth.net, Michael Walters/HOU/ECT@ECT, rondaj@hotmail.com,
Eric Bass/HOU/ECT@ECT, Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT@ECT

Subject: Fw: Good Golf Joke

< <
< < < <It was a sunny Saturday morning on the course and I was beginning my
< < < <
< < < <pre-shot routine, visualizing my upcoming shot, when a voice came
< < < <
< < < <the clubhouse loudspeaker.
< < < <
< < < <"Would the gentleman on the woman's tee back up to the men's tee
< < < <
< < < <please!!" I was still deep in my routine, seemingly impervious to the
< < < <
< < < <interruption.
< < < <
< < < < Again the announcement,
< < < <
< < < <"Would the MAN on the WOMEN'S tee kindly back up to the men's tee." I
< < < <
< < < <simply ignored the guy and kept concentrating, when once more, the
< < < <
< < < <yelled: "Would the man on the woman's tee back up to the men's tee,
< < < <
< < < <PLEASE!"
< < < <
< < < <I finally stopped, turned, looked through the clubhouse window
< < < <
< < < <at the person with the mike and shouted back, "Would the person in
< < < <
< < < <clubhouse kindly shut the fuck up and let me play my second shot?"
< < < <
< < < <
< < < < _____
< < < <
< < < <
< < < <
< < < <Happy July 4th !!!
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