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Enron Mail |
check out the one about "dad's new wife.."
---------------------- Forwarded by Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT on 06/16/2000 11:04 AM --------------------------- Brian Hoskins 06/16/2000 09:51 AM To: Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT@ECT, Timothy Blanchard/HOU/EES@EES cc: Subject: Fwd: FW: Children's Books You'll NEVER See! ---------------------- Forwarded by Brian Hoskins/HOU/ECT on 06/16/2000 10:51 AM --------------------------- "Brian Hoskins" <bthoskins@hotmail.com< on 06/16/2000 10:37:01 AM To: abamontb@slu.edu, alicia_sallee@hotmail.com, allie_easton@yahoo.com, amknoten@hotmail.com, b2marina@aol.com, mballases@hotmail.com, bpjackson@mediaone.net, lechafin312@hotmail.com, chrish@fogartyklein.com, walker.c.cunningham@vanderbilt.edu, danielles@jonesgranger.com, ebass@enron.com, eljinsha@yahoo.com, zone@aristotle.net, hcampos@enron.com, hoganlee@hotmail.com, bhuels01@bellarmine.edu, jzook@wfubmc.edu, jhoskins@seidlercos.com, jburke@princeton.edu, jaholzer@bellsouth.net, kselinger@houston.geoquest.slb.com, krisy_p@hotmail.com, l-walsh@nwu.edu, lfjohn0@hotmail.com, leninej@hotmail.com, ecarraro@hotmail.com, stephen.kempf@nortonhealthcare.org, christopherlui@hotmail.com, maeve.hughes@mwk.com, brian.hoskins@enron.com, mpotter@houston.geoquest.slb.com, mpstan0@pop.uky.edu, caroline.j.nagel@vanderbilt.edu, texas_delight@hotmail.com, stupor@home.com, credders@beerscc.com, roberto.martinez@enron.com, robin.moore@batesville.com, roman14@hotmail.com, rooneya@epenergy.com, dsstew01@gwise.louisville.edu, sailer100@hotmail.com, warreng76@hotmail.com, mylawyer@go.com, kfwill01@gwise.louisville.edu cc: Subject: Fwd: FW: Children's Books You'll NEVER See! <From: Katrina Schott <katschott@usa.net< <To: Alison Abernathy <alisonabernathy@usa.net<, Lisa Cawley <<lisacawley@earthlink.net<, Brian Hoskins <bthoskins@hotmail.com<, Ellen <Seabolt <eseabolt@mindspring.com<, Judy Stricklin <<judy.g.stricklin@ac.com< <Subject: FW: Children's Books You'll NEVER See! <Date: 15 Jun 00 17:44:04 EDT <MIME-Version: 1.0 <Received: from [] by hotmail.com (3.2) with ESMTP id <MHotMailBB1298FB002BD820F3ADCC44183EA0650; Thu Jun 15 14:43:32 2000 <Received: (qmail 17949 invoked by uid 60001); 15 Jun 2000 21:44:04 -0000 <Received: from by aw162 for [] via <web-mailer(34PS1.1.04) on Thu Jun 15 21:44:04 GMT 2000 <From katschott@usa.net Thu Jun 15 14:47:38 2000 <Message-ID: <20000615214404.17948.qmail@aw162.netaddress.usa.net< <X-Mailer: USANET web-mailer (34PS1.1.04) < <Speaking of books....I found this gem among my "humor archives".... < <John Mclin <JMCLIN@DIVERSITECH.com< <05/06/99 08:13 PM GMT < <To: Katrina E. Schott@Andersen Consulting <cc: <Subject: FW: Children's Books You'll NEVER See! < < < < < < < <"You Were an Accident!" < < < < < <"Strangers Have the Best Candy" < < < < < <"The Little Sissy Who Snitched" < < < < < <"Some Kittens Can Fly!" < < < < < <"Getting More Chocolate on Your Face" < < < < < <"Where Would You Like to Be Buried?" < < < < < <"Kathy Was So Bad Her Mom Stopped Loving Her" < < < < < <"The Attention Deficit Disorder Association's Book of Wild Animals of < < <North Amer... Hey! Let's Go Ride Our Bikes!" < < < < < <"All Dogs Go to Hell!" < < < < < <"The Kids' Guide to Hitchhiking" < < < < < <"When Mommy and Daddy Don't Know the Answer They Say 'God Did It'" < < < < < <"Garfield Gets Feline Leukemia" < < < < < <"What Is That Dog Doing to That Other Dog?" < < < < < <"Why Can't Mr. Fork and Ms. Electrical Outlet Be Friends?" < < < < < <"Bi-Curious George" < < < < < <"Daddy Drinks Because You Cry" < < < < < <"Mister Policeman Eats His Service Revolver" < < < < < <"You Are Different and That's Bad" < < < < < <"Dad's New Wife... Timothy" < < < < < <"Pop! Goes The Hamster (and Other Great Microwave Games)" < < < < < <"Testing Homemade Parachutes With Nothing At All But Your Household < < Pets" < < < < < <"The Hardy Boys, the Barbie Twins and the Vice Squad" < < < < < <"The Tickling Babysitter" < < < < < <"Babar Meets the Taxidermist" < < < < < <"Curious George and the High-Voltage Fence" < < < < < <"The Boy Who Died from Eating All His Vegetables" < < < < < <"Start a Real-Estate Empire With the Change From Your Mom's Purse" < < < < < <"The Pop-up Book of Human Anatomy" < < < < < <"Things Rich Kids Have, But You Never Will!" < < < < < <"The Care Bears Maul Some Campers and are Shot Dead" < < < < < <"How to Become The Dominant Military Power In Your Elementary School" < < < < < <"Controlling the playground: Respect through Fear" < < < < < < <____________________________________________________________________ <Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.amexmail.com/?A=1 ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com