Enron Mail

To:paul.lucci@enron.com, tori.kuykendall@enron.com
Subject:Losers Wanted
Date:Wed, 23 Aug 2000 00:12:00 -0700 (PDT)

---------------------- Forwarded by Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT on 08/23/2000
07:12 AM ---------------------------

"Brook" <brook@pdq.net< on 08/23/2000 01:34:29 AM
To: "Tim Hekker" <thekker@hscsal.com<, "Terri Casler" <terri0924@aol.com<,
"Stephen Zindler" <stephenzindler@homecomings.com<, "Spencer Payne"
<spencermp@yahoo.com<, "Scott Zindler" <scott.zindler@agedwards.com<, "Russ"
<smokedbbq@aol.com<, "Liz Newberry" <lnewberry@hscsal.com<, "Laura Mayor
Cyprow" <lmayer@eesis.com<, "John Castille" <jcasti@coair.com<, "Jim Day"
<jday@cwhq.com<, "Jennifer Anderson" <janderson@hscsal.com<, "Jeff Applebaum"
<jeffrey.applebaum@imgfinancialgroup.com<, "Jarrod Cyprow"
<jcyprow@enron.com<, "Hershel Swartz" <hershel@flash.net<, "George Hope"
<george.hope@enron.com<, "David Lisner" <dlisner@burns-noble.com<, "Dan
Harlan" <dharlan@firstam.com<, "Brad Fishman" <bfish@timcoscrap.com<, "Bill
Rubinsky" <bill.rubinsky@usa.xerox.com<, "Bill McGrath" <WHMcGrath@aol.com<,
"Ari Purcell" <ari.purcell@ac.com<, "Alex Niemer"
<alex.niemer@rantechnologies.com<, "Ori Batagower" <batagower@aol.com<,
"Heather Evans" <reagantgo@aol.com<, "Andy Starr" <astarr@hscsal.com<, "Eric
Johnson" <ezy@flash.net<, "Lloyd Schill" <sgramling@hscsal.com<, "Harry
Bucalo" <harry.bucalo@enron.com<, "Bryan Hull" <Bryan.Hull@enron.com<,
"Matthew Lenhart" <Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com<

Subject: Losers Wanted

Hey there, just an update on where we stand.? We are up to 33 people that
have responded that they are in with a few more that I definitely expect in
by the time games start.? Only 8 have signed in but there is still time to
get on the site.? I wouldn't wait till the last second incase there are
problems.? Let me know if you can't figure anything out and I will try to
Just a few side notes...1)? Applebaum, we are going to have to work on that
name you signed in with...2) Susan, I will send you a seperate email in the
next couple of days with some help on getting on line.
Anyway, don't forget to get more players.? BUT DON'T FORGET TO HAVE THEM
REFERENCE YOU!!!? I am receiving emails from people I can't reference and it
just takes a little work to figure out who they are.? We have got all of
them cleared up except for one that I am still working on.? It just makes it
alot easier if they mention you from the begining.
Well, that is it for now.? Will get back to you towards the middle of next
week with some more updates.