Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Jen and Max!!!!
Cc:pederleifkjeseth@hotmail.com, ralee@rmi.net, scott.morrill@grubb-ellis.com
Bcc:pederleifkjeseth@hotmail.com, ralee@rmi.net, scott.morrill@grubb-ellis.com
Date:Wed, 9 May 2001 04:17:00 -0700 (PDT)

Who is Tabitha Croke? Does she know what she's getting herself into by
us for memories for some little book? How do you put a fourty and a big RUN
DMC gold necklace into a book?

< are you guys going to send something special? how about some stripper's
< panties from the bachelor party? any news on caymen rooms?
< ---------------------- Forwarded by Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT on 05/09/2001
< 10:15 AM ---------------------------
< Tabi2323@cs.com on 05/08/2001 06:38:06 PM
< To: ELLIExoxo@aol.com, stadogb@msn.com, Littleaph@aol.com,
< jharris114@yahoo.com, Kbmariani@aol.com, dana@media-stream.com,
< joey_gentry@email.msn.com, Mtnester99@aol.com,
< WTMproductions@aol.com, dianashe@nova.edu, Tesser@atlaslaw.com,
< harris7414@aol.com, FASHMI2@aol.com, ZHORKEE@aol.com,
< Harrisrichardj@aol.com, Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com, Rhodan612@cs.com,
< trevnjes@bellsouth.net
< cc:
< Subject: Jen and Max!!!!
< Hello Everyone!!!
< As a special surprise for our dear Jen and Max, please send something for
< their memory book. A photo, a special collage, a tale, or words of wisdom
< to
< live by, a fantastic recipe for a special girl and a guy. You make the
< page
< and send it to me, or send me the special ingredients and I will make it
< for
< you!
< Please send to me your special item by the end of July!
< So Jen and Max will always have this special treasure to remember!
< Please send to Tabitha Croke
< 1014 Seagate Drive
< Delray Beach, Florida 33483
< Please forward to anyone not on the list so no one is forgotten! Thanks:)
< ---------------------- Forwarded by Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT on 05/09/2001
< 10:15 AM ---------------------------
< The Denver Post Online <mailer@denverpost.publishmail.com< on 05/09/2001
< 07:02:00 AM
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< Wednesday, May 09, 2001
< [IMAGE] Broncos [IMAGE] [IMAGE]
< Topper [IMAGE]
< ABOUT McGlockt [IMAGE]
< [IMAGE] defends ES [IMAGE]
< himself - 2000
< ARCHIVE Result
< S s
< [IMAGE] brn0507
< [IMAGE] McGlock WIRE
< ton (J. - News
< BUSINES Leyba) from
< S AP
< [IMAGE] Weighing -
< in at Breaki
< CLASSIF 352 ng
< IEDS pounds, news
< [IMAGE] Chester
< McGlockt YOUR
< STS the - Live
< [IMAGE] heaviest chat
< starting - Join
< COMMUNI defensiv the
< TY e forum
< [IMAGE] lineman
< DISCUSS Denver G
< ION Broncos - Read
< [IMAGE] history. the
< E-MAIL He also latest
< US has - Pose
< [IMAGE] become a questi
< mighty on
< INMENT target. WORDS
< Last - 2000
< FOOD/DI month, wrap-u
< NING former p
< [IMAGE] San
< Diego COLUMN
< LIFESTY Chargers S
< LES director - Adam
< [IMAGE] of Scheft
< NEWS player er
< [IMAGE] personne
< l Billy NEW
< TERS working M
< [IMAGE] for ESPN -
< as an Webcam
< [IMAGE] draft BYE
< analyst, MILE
< SHOPPIN applaude HIGH
< G d each -
< [IMAGE] of the Scheft
< Broncos' er
< SPECIAL offseaso -
< SECTION n moves Paige
< S - except -
< [IMAGE] one. Kiszla
< SPORTS Devaney -
< [IMAGE] blasted Impact
< - the -
< Avalanc Broncos Memori
< he for es
< [IMAGE] signing -
< - McGlockt Facts
< Broncos on, whom & more
< [IMAGE] he -
< - candidly Print
< College accused versio
< s of being n
< [IMAGE] a
< - negative WALLPA
< Columns locker PER
< [IMAGE] room -
< - influenc Stadiu
< Discuss e. About m
< ions which -
< [IMAGE] McGlockt Deskto
< - Golf on p
< [IMAGE] shrugs. photos
< - notes,
< Motor 5/7 COMMUN
< Sports ITY
< [IMAGE] Get thee - Fan
< - to sites
< Nuggets Greeley
< - denver
< Olympic mailbag bronco
< s s.com
< [IMAGE] The
< - Denver Logo
< Other Post's
< Sports Broncos -
< [IMAGE] writer Roster
< - takes -
< Preps your Depth
< [IMAGE] question Chart
< - s each -
< Rapids week and Transa
< [IMAGE] responds ctions
< - to the
< Recreat pick of
< ion the NFL.co
< [IMAGE] litter m
< - in "Adam - Main
< Rockies Schefter page
< [IMAGE] 's -
< - Broncos Roster
< Scores Mailbag, s
< [IMAGE] " which - TV &
< - is Radio
< Women's posted
< Sports each Ticket
< [IMAGE] Thursday Exchan
< TRAVEL . Check ge
< [IMAGE] out this
< week's
< WEATHER installm
< [IMAGE] ent as
< DPO Adam
< HOME tackles
< [IMAGE] question
< s
< ranging
< from the
< silly to
< SEARCH the
< DPO: scintill
< ating,
< Enter includin
< search g
< term, several
< hit about
< return training
< key camp.
< Click
< here mailbag,
< for 5/3
< advanc
< ed Jarious
< search Jackson'
< s spring
< break
< brn0507
< sm
< Jackson
< (AP)
< He
< misses
< family
< members,
< friends,
< food and
< the fun.
< Yet
< these
< days,
< Barcelon
< a
< Dragons
< quarterb
< ack
< Jarious
< Jackson
< - on
< loan
< from the
< Denver
< Broncos
< - misses
< out on
< nothing.
< Jackson'
< s
< Barcelon
< a,
< Spain,
< hotel is
< position
< ed along
< a
< topless
< beach.
< He swims
< in
< Europe's
< history
< and
< traditio
< ns. He
< travels
< as if he
< were a
< college
< backpack
< er,
< visiting
< Berlin
< last
< month,
< Dusseldo
< rf,
< Germany,
< last
< weekend,
< with
< plans
< that
< still
< include
< Amsterda
< m and
< Scotland
< .
< story,
< 5/7
< Differen
< t
< defense
< story,
< 5/6
< Monopoly
< on money
< column,
< 5/6
< Jones,
< Browns
< talking
< deal
< notes,
< 5/6
< Lepsis
< moves to
< left
< side
< story,
< 5/5
< -
< Backfiel
< d full
< with
< Carter
< - Romo's
< wife
< testifie
< s during
< hearing
< -
< Changing
< the
< defensiv
< e line
< -
< Broncos
< cut
< lineback
< er
< Cadrez
< - Davis
< eager to
< start
< Comeback
< II
< -
< Ex-Falco
< n
< Crockett
< provides
< LB depth
< Kings
< force
< decisiv
< e
< seventh
< game
< -
< Terrell
< Davis:
< Feeling
< good,
< but not
< 100
< percent
< -
< Howard
< Griffit
< h:
< Happy
< to
< finish
< in
< Denver
< -
< Chester
< McGlock
< ton:
< Broncos
< have
< lots of
< talent
< -
< Denard
< Walker:
< Talks
< about
< leaving
< Tenn.
< Broncos
< Mailbag
< - Get
< thee to
< Greeley
< - AFC
< West
< toughens
< up
< -
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< ---------------------- Forwarded by Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT on 05/09/2001
< 10:15 AM ---------------------------
< val.generes@accenture.com on 05/09/2001 08:42:51 AM
< To: "Trahan, Don" <TrahanIIID@aetna.com<
< cc: timothy_blanchard@enron.com, bcambr@lsuhsc.edu, lcentol@lsu.edu,
< nicholas.danna@ey.com, sdarrah@entergy.com, tdietz@marmac.net,
< gerherb@hotmail.com, matthew.lenhart@enron.com,
< chad.landry@enron.com, maziarz@bellsouth.net, AirPhotoDave@aol.com,
< SoCalCinephile@socal.rr.com, BTurner@ssoe.com, bjbjturner1@aol.com
< Subject: Re: Congrats!
< Donnie -
< Sounds good and you missed one hell of a weekend. From what I hear,
< everyone had an awesome time. Celeste and I counted 12 weddings we got
< invited to this year between the two of us and also sometime this summer,
< Celeste and I are going to California to visit Alex and Kelly. I'll let
< everyone know about the invite, but it may be easier for you to let me know
< next time you come in town.
< Send me your phone numbers again when you get a chance -
< Val
< ___________________________________________________________
< Val Generes
< eCommerce Technology Consultant
< Houston 83/75984, 713-837-5984
< "Trahan, Don"
< <TrahanIIID@aetna.com To: Val Generes@Accenture
< < cc:
< Subject: Re: Congrats!
< 05/07/2001 03:13 PM
< Florval,
< How's married life? I wanted to congratulate you and Celeste. Again,
< sorry
< we were not able to make it down for the wedding. I think it is safe to
< assume that the wedding was a bit more fun than the First Communion we went
< to that Saturday. I hope there are some good stories. I am guessing you
< are back from the honeymoon at this point, and you guys had a great time.
< Hopefully, you will hold off on populating the earth with any more
< Florval's. At least give everyone a few more years to begin preparations.
< I hope we can somehow try to get together in the near future. I may try to
< get down there sometime late summer or fall. Also, there is always an open
< invitation at the Casa De Trahan here in DC (actually Northern VA - And to
< think in my 1st 18 years, all I thought existed was the Westbank. There is
< so much more! Thought you might get a kick out of that comment). This
< invitation is good if anyone is passing through or would like to visit our
< nation's capitol (It's such a better place now that the 'White Trash' that
< was living in the 'White House' has moved out). I know it not as cool as
< Melancon living 5 blocks from Wrigley, but you know? The invite holds good
< not only for Mr.& Mrs Louis Florval Generes (what the hell is that?), but
< also any of the other bums down in Houston that I have not seen if a few
< years. Later Val.
< Donnie