Enron Mail

Subject:Baseload is coming-and it's coal-fired
Date:Mon, 4 Jun 2001 16:39:38 -0700 (PDT)


GE] [IMAGE] Updated: June 5, 2001 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAG=
E] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Baseload is coming- and it's coal-f=
ired It's little more than a trickle-certainly not the raging torrent exhi=
bited by its sibling power supply-but a combination of factors is leading t=
o a return of baseload, coal-fired construction. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [I=
[IMAGE] Look for more wellhead-to-power plant deals Generators, tr=
aders realize they must control gas Reserve-rich firms are targets [IMA=
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Which households buy =
green energy? People will pay more for green Interested parties rarely see=
k out green Survey pinpoints 22 million-household market [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] High prices spur development of Al=
berta oil sands Senate shifts unlikely to influence short term $34 billion=
new investment proposed [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAG=
ornians respond to energy conservation pleas go to full story... Exxon Mo=
bil awarded venture option in Saudi Arabian gas initiative go to full story=
... Calpine opens Canadian headquarters go to full story... Injection i=
nto underground gas storage slows, but still strong go to full story... P=
acifiCorp will acquire 50 MW of new wind power go to full story... FERC a=
pproves increase in Wash. hydropower generation go to full story... Vale=
ro in lease deal for El Paso refinery go to full story... Spain's Uni?n F=
enosa reveals details of Egyptian LNG deal go to full story... Bankruptcy=
judge rules CPUC order stands go to full story... Duke acknowledges it s=
old power at extremely high rate go to full story... To view all of toda=
y's Executive News headlines, click here [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM=
AGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] ? Copyright ? 2001 - FT Energ=
y, All Rights Reserved. "FT" and "Financial Times" are trademarks of The Fi=
nancial Times Ltd. Market BriefMonday, June 4StocksCloseChange% ChangeDJI=
A11,061.5271.1 0.65%DJ 15 Util.390.250.7 0.19%NASDAQ2,155.936.49 0.30%S&P 5=
001,267.116.4 0.51%Market VolsCloseChange% ChangeAMEX (000)80,463(32,634.0)=
-28.85%NASDAQ (000)1,313,743(237,268.0)-15.30%NYSE (000)840,309(169,952.0)-=
16.82%CommoditiesCloseChange% ChangeCrude Oil (Jul)28.130.20 0.72%Heating O=
il (Jul)0.75920.000 0.00%Nat. Gas (Henry)4.0690.139 3.54%Palo Verde (Jul)26=
5.00(35.00)-11.67%COB (Jul)245.00(25.00)-9.26%PJM (Jul)83.000.00 0.00%Dolla=
r US $CloseChange% ChangeAustralia $ 1.9730.009 0.46%Canada $ 1.5360.003 0=
.20%Germany Dmark 2.3170.012 0.52%Euro 0.84630.000 0.01%Japan ?en 119.400.=
400 0.34%Mexico NP9.160.010 0.11%UK Pound 0.70740.0029 0.41%Foreign Indice=
sCloseChange% ChangeArg MerVal443.737.93 1.82%Austr All Ord.3,359.3032.00 0=
.96%Braz Bovespa15103.86311.89 2.11%Can TSE 300 8301.2150.27 0.61%Germany D=
AX6177.7452.57 0.86%HK HangSeng13207.4966.11 0.50%Japan Nikkei 225 13312.35=
50.51 0.38%Mexico IPC 6631.7512.09 0.18%UK FTSE 1005,856.5046.90 0.81%Sourc=
e: Yahoo! & TradingDay.com =09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMA=
GE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Advertise on Energy Insight [IMA=
GE] =09 =09

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