Enron Mail

Subject:Nuclear waste: an Achilles' heel
Date:Wed, 6 Jun 2001 16:19:44 -0700 (PDT)


=09 Updated: J=
une 7, 2001 Nuclear waste: an Achilles' heel =
In 1992, a committee of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) was asked t=
o investigate the technical and institutional options for the future of nuc=
lear power. =
Look for more wellhead-to-power plant deals Generators=
, traders realize they must control gas Reserve-rich firms are targets =
Which households bu=
y green energy? People will pay more for green Interested parties rarely s=
eek out green Survey pinpoints 22 million-household market =
Farm-fresh biopower Biomass enjoys=
unique consortium of support Co-firing with coal offers near-term potenti=
al Land conflicts may be problematic =
BPA sees October power contract rates up over 150% go to full =
story... DOE review finds more natural gas off-limits to drilling in Rock=
ies go to full story... ESAI: natural gas supply may overshoot demand in =
2002 go to full story... NRG Energy buys Vattenfall's interests in three =
South American projects go to full story... Lisbon converted to gas go to=
full story... Justice investigating AES, Williams for antitrust violatio=
ns go to full story... Conectiv sells telecom business, stake in plant g=
o to full story... Reliant urges FERC to drop California price caps go to=
full story... San Jose approves controversial plant go to full story... =
Pacific Gas and Electric says shouldn't pay to avert blackouts go to full=
story... To view all of today's Executive News headlines, click here =
? Copyright ? 2001 - FT Energy, All Rights Res=
erved. "FT" and "Financial Times" are trademarks of The Financial Times Ltd=
. Market Brief Wednesday, June 6 Stocks Close Change % Change DJIA 11,=
070.24 (105.6) -0.94% DJ 15 Util. 372.65 (9.1) -2.37% NASDAQ 2,217.73 (15.9=
3) -0.71% S&P 500 1,270.03 (13.5) -1.05% Market Vols Close Change % Cha=
nge AMEX (000) 111,256 (7,350.0) -6.20% NASDAQ (000) 1,772,162 (70,677.0) -=
3.84% NYSE (000) 1,062,316 (53,401.0) -4.79% Commodities Close Change %=
Change Crude Oil (Jul) 27.72 (0.52) -1.84% Heating Oil (Jul) 0.7664 (0.003=
) -0.40% Nat. Gas (Henry) 3.801 (0.091) -2.34% Palo Verde (Jul) 173.00 (49.=
00) -22.07% COB (Jul) 160.00 (45.00) -21.95% PJM (Jul) 76.50 (5.50) -6.71% =
Dollar US $ Close Change % Change Australia $ 1.937 (0.026) -1.32% Can=
ada $ 1.525 (0.005) -0.33% Germany Dmark 2.306 0.011 0.48% Euro 0.847=
4 (0.007) -0.77% Japan ?en 120.40 0.000 0.00% Mexico NP 9.12 (0.020) -0.2=
2% UK Pound 0.7184 0.0100 1.41% Foreign Indices Close Change % Chang=
e Arg MerVal 439.19 (3.71) -0.84% Austr All Ord. 3,355.20 0.70 0.02% Braz =
Bovespa 15328.83 (65.99) -0.43% Can TSE 300 8194.39 (64.43) -0.78% Germany=
DAX 6192.44 (49.69) -0.80% HK HangSeng 13253.39 0.00 0.00% Japan Nikkei 2=
25 13174.84 (16.17) -0.12% Mexico IPC 6790.98 118.63 1.78% UK FTSE 100 5=
,901.50 (21.00) -0.35% Source: Yahoo! & TradingDay.com =09 =
Advertise on Energy Insight =09 =09

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