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Enron Mail |
ELO sounds good. I don't remember. Ask Darrah. <From: Matthew.Lenhart@enron.com <To: ljc76@hotmail.com <Subject: RE: Blanchard <Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 15:20:07 -0500 < <who sings that song "harley davidson of a bitch"? i think you said it was <elo or something. < < -----Original Message----- < From: "Lawrence Centola" @ENRON < [mailto:IMCEANOTES-+22Lawrence+20Centola+22+20+3Cljc76+40hotmail+2Ecom+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com] < < < Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2001 8:26 PM < To: Lenhart, Matthew < Subject: RE: Blanchard < < < Thanks for asking. Face is fine now. Graduated today and nobody < really noticed. Did have to use a little make up though. < <From: "Lenhart, Matthew" < <To: "Lawrence Centola " < <Subject: RE: Blanchard < <Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 15:18:38 -0500 < < < <how is your face doing? is the swelling going down? < < < < < -----Original Message----- < < < From: Lawrence Centola [mailto:ljc76@hotmail.com] < < < Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2001 12:07 AM < < < To: sdarrah; maziarz; socalcinephile; bcambr; chad.landry; < < < matthew.lenhart; MMMarcantel; nicholas.danna; RCasey; < < < timothy.blanchard; tdietz; val.generes; dural54 < < < Subject: Re: Blanchard < < < < < < < < < As we all know, Blanchard was a GDI his first semester at LSU. While < < < living in Power dorm, Blanchard once overheard one of the Pi PHi for < < < boys that he was hanging out with say "Hey, Dude, Sorority girls are < < < hot!" Blanchard, being from Paincourteville and not being what we < < < would call a 'master' of the English language, though that this < < < 'fresh' Pi Phi meant "All greek girls are good in bed." So what did < < < Blanchard do. He went out and found the first GREEK girl he could, < < < and he started dating her. After many pleasant years, (some of which < < < I will not mention for Tim's sake, and mine) Tim and his Greek < < < Goddess are engaged. Yes, that's right. Tim took Lenhart's advice < < < (because we all know that Lenhart is the authority on relationships < < < with the opposite sex; I mean, who wouldn't take his advice) and Tim < < < decided to start his life sentence with a lovely girl who has bunch < of < < < friends who all give it up like it was going out o! f style. < < < < < < Tim's wedding is on THE DAY OF THE MISSISSIPPI STATE GAME. For those < < < of you who are not Tiger fans (which seems to be most of you these < < < days), that is Oct. 20th. I know, it is an away game, which is < better < < < than having a wedding on a home game. But some of us who are fans < < < like to go to the out of town games. True story, here. I went to a < < < wedding with Louise and her mother on Friday night. You have not < < < lived until you take two dates to a wedding, one of whom is engaged < to < < < your good friend and the other whom cannot speak the language. < < < Anyway, after the wedding that we attended, Louise's mom asked me if < I < < < would prefer Tim's wedding ceremony be in either half English and < half < < < Greek, or all in Greek. I responded "I do not care. I will be < < < listening to the LSU game on my headphones anyway." I know what some < < < of you are saying, it is only one game. Yes, and I am sure that was < < < the only weekend they could hav! e it since so many of us from New < < < Orleans have been to a wedding at the Greek Cultural Center, because < < < all of us from New Orleans have been to numerous weddings / goat < < < roasts there. Anyway, it is a done deal, and we are all happy for < the < < < couple. < < < < < < The real point of this e-mail is to organize Tim's bachelor party. < We < < < have it planned for the weekend of September 22 (what a novel < idea!!! < < < Plan a wedding event on a weekend where there is neither an LSU < event, < < < nor Jazz Fest!!!) We are planning to go to Vegas. As per our current < < < plans, we would leave on that Thursday (the 20th, I think) and < return < < < on Sunday. 'Paw Paw' Blanchard heard that in September, his game of < < < choice really starts hitting, that of course would be the nickel < < < slots. 'Paw Paw' already has his Panama Jack hat, his "Geaux < < < Dinar-deaux" T-shirt, his jams, and his black socks with brown < leather < < < sandals packed and ready. His fanny pack is stuffed with Twinkies < and < < < silver dimes. He is really fired up about the $1.99 shrimp cocktail < < < (early bird special, of course.) < < < The plans are to get there Thursday night (Nicky, get more drink < < < tickets.) Thursday night we can get settled, possibly gamble a bit. < < < On Friday, maybe play golf (although I will probably be too drunk / < < < hung over / missing for an early tee time.) On Friday night, we can < < < go "clubbin'", as I am sure The Tricky Texas Trio (Lenhart, Landry, < < < and Mitch) will want to do. On Saturday, Tim wants to wake up early, < < < get the sports section of the Advocate, drink coffee, and bitch < about < < < the Tigers. Instead, we are going to watch and bet on College < < < Football all day. < < < Saturday night, Tim wants to go see Sigfried and Roy. However, we < are < < < not doing that. If he wants to see gay men play with caged tigers, < he < < < can find out the next time Nesbitt tries out for the LSU < cheerleading < < < team. Instead, either SaturDay or Friday night, myself and a select < < < group (yet to be determined, but including Lenhart if he is not < doing < < < his best Ricky Martin impression at Club C2K) will go on a recon < < < mission to the Deja Vu. Therefore, on Saturday night, we will have < < < entertainment in the room that some of us have seen before, and who < < < know what is expected of them (that way Lenhart will not make the < < < entertainment cry when he asks them to fuck his Elway blow-up doll). < < < Remember Tim. If you use a strap on, it is not considered cheating. < < < I am a future lawyer. I should know. < < < This weekend is September 22. There is no excuse for you to come up < < < with when you have this much notice. Out of money? Bullshit. Save < < < up until then. Have to work? Bullshit. Take a vacation day. < < < Actually, September will be the first month that I will be gainfully < < < employed. But, I know that my boss, the Honorable G.Thomas Porteous, < < < will let me off for one day if debauchery will be had, although I < may < < < have to put a few hundreds on black for him periodically throughout < < < the weekend. < < < For those of you who will be recently married, I already have an < < < excuse for you. "Honey, Tim came to all OUR wedding functions. The < < < least I can do is return the favor." < < < For those of you that will be married shortly after Tim, I also have < < < an excuse. "Baby / Schmoopy / I wish your tits were as big as < Mindy/, < < < if want other people to come to our wedding functions, then I have < to < < < attend theirs." For all of you single guys, no excuse. < < < Please respond to this e-mail at your earliest convenience, or I < will < < < see ya'll this weekend. All plans are subject to change. (Chad, if < < < you want to send an e-mail to only me, hit 'Reply to sender.' If you < < < hit 'Reply to all'. it sends the message to all of the RECEPIENTS of < < < the original message. I know that you said Law School was such a < < < stupid idea compared to Business School, but I think you could learn < < < from some of our lessons, such as it is better to remain silent and < be < < < thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.) < < < < < < Hope this e-mail finds you doing well. < < < < < < Signed, < < < Granola, Blarry, your Daddy, Mushroom head, Captain Nic, King, < Smokey, < < < charming drunk, your heighness, the one who never looses his < emotions < < < when he drinks, SG Nerd, Governor, lawyer, or anything else you want < < < to call me. < < < < < < Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com < << < < < File: ~~DLNK0.URL << < < < < <<< winmail.dat << < < Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com << < File: http://explorer.msn.com << < < Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com