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you must click on this link: http://listserv.otcjournal.com/otcjournal/2001= 0530-1.html and wait for a web page to automatically open up to properly r= ead this newsletter.=20 [IMAGE]=09=09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] May 30, 2001 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Volume IV, Issue 48 [IMAGE] Em= ail : info@otcjournal.com URL : http://www.otcjournal.com To OTC Journ= al Members: Quick Note- This is our first Trading Alert since March 12th.= Before deciding if you want to participate, please read the OTC Journal on= Trading Alerts found on the left hand menu bar of our home page. For a Tr= ack Record of former Trading Alerts, Click Here . [IMAGE] Trading Aler= t: Petapeer Holdings, Inc (OTC BB: PETP) We were first asked to look at t= his company over two months ago and were fascinated by the potential. You m= ight not be familiar with the company, but unless you live in a vacuum you = should be familiar with the issues surrounding their technology. Petapeer= Holdings, Inc owns the commercial rights to market the Gnottella Network t= echnology, which many see as the replacement for the highly publicized demi= se of the on-line Napster Music Community. You can visit http://gnotella.= com to learn more about P2P (Peer to Peer) file sharing for which Gnotella= provides technology. The Gnotella network provides technology which allo= ws simultaneous users to look directly into other user's computers, and tra= nsfer files directly. Files are not limited to MP3 flies, as is the case wi= th Napster. You can exchange anything from the most complex software to a r= ecipe for fried chicken. More importantly, management at Petapeer Holding= s claims their technology does not infringe on copyright laws. Whereas Naps= ter provides the ability to share files directly through Napster's server, = Gnotella does not. Gnotella simply provides software which allows computers= to interface over the internet, and has no control over the exchange of fi= les. Therefore, any violations would be the responsibility of the user, not= the software provider. Today, after the market closed, Petapeer Holdings= issued a very significant press release which has the potential to push th= is virtually unknown stock much higher. Petapeer Holdings announced it ha= s filed a Provisional Patent Application for a "new proprietary technology = that will implement systems and methods for bolstering the Gnutella Network= while generating revenue for Petapeer". We believe this stock has the po= tential to become high profile when one considers all the press which surro= unded the Napster demise. Furthermore, the company has come up with a revol= utionary way to make money off the technology, and will be filing a patent = on it. The stock surged nicely two weeks ago, and has since retraced 50% = of its previous gain, providing a low risk entry point. [IMAGE] Trading= Alert Details [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Petapeer Holdings, Inc (OTC BB: PETP) trad= ed as high as $1.70 on May 14th. Today the stock closed at $1.15. Here ar= e our thoughts on this Trading Alert on Petapeer Holdings, Inc (OTC BB: PET= P): As depicted in the chart, the nearest line of support is $1.06. The s= tock has retraced about 50% of its gain the run made from late April to mid= May. Today's news after the close should create a great deal of interest a= nd volume. Here is our recommendation: *Buy up to $1.30 which gives you r= oom to make money if the stock trades in our favor. *Set your Stop Loss at = $1.06 ( Next Support Level as depicted in the chart) or what ever your risk= tolerance is. *If the stock can get through $1.75 in the next couple of da= ys it should go higher it could find its way to nearly $2. We view this st= ock as highly risky, and this is not a long term recommendation. Don't be a= fraid to take profits quickly if the market provides a gain, and don't be a= fraid to sell quickly if the stock trades against you. This newsletter is= our opinion only, and not a solicitation to buy this stock. Make up your o= wn mind. If you are looking for a short term trade limit your loss if the s= tock goes against you. As always, we remind you to review the section on ou= r home page on Trading Alerts, paying particular attention to the section = on trading rules. The track record on our previous alerts can be obtained b= y clicking here. Here is the complete text of the news release for your = review: Petapeer Holdings Inc. Files Provisional Patent Application Wit= h US Patent and Trademark Office for Revenue Model With US Patent and Trade= mark Office for Revenue Model NEW YORK, May 30 /PRNewswire/ -- Petapee= r Holdings, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: PETP), announced today it has recentl= y developed a new proprietary technology that will implement systems and m= ethods for bolstering the Gnutella Network while generating revenue for Pet= apeer. Petapeer has filed a provisional patent application covering the te= chnology with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The new= technology covered by the application shall be used by Petapeer as a centr= al part of its revenue model, and is intended to work with Petapeer's "Gnot= ella" peer-to-peer file sharing software described below. As the regular p= atent application has not yet been filed and the technology and process not= yet disclosed, no further details can be revealed at the moment, except th= at, like Gnotella, the new technology does not rely on advertiser-support o= r "stealth" advertising components, known as "spyware" or "adware". In acc= ordance with United States patent practice, the invention now has an effect= ive filing date that can be used in a later regular US patent application, = provided that it is filed before the United States Patent and Trademark Off= ice within 12 months of the provisional application. This regular US paten= t application is currently being drafted and is scheduled to be filed short= ly. Corresponding foreign patent applications may be filed under conventio= nal priority within the same 12-month period, which the Company is consider= ing. Petapeer Holdings Inc.'s "Gnotella" peer-to-peer file sharing so= ftware does not employ or support background or "stealth" advertising compo= nents, known as "spyware" or "adware". Spyware is sometimes employed to ge= nerate revenue for providers of free software by installing itself into use= rs' computers and collecting personal information about those users, and t= hen transmitting it to the providers of the spyware, sometimes without user= s' knowledge or consent. Recent reports have revealed that "spyware" and = "adware" are contained in some software used to access the Gnutella Network= . Petapeer's "Gnotella" software does not contain, nor has it ever containe= d or employed "spyware" or "adware". "We are pleased to be the very f= irst to develop this technology, which will be available to our users if --= and only if -- they want to use it," said Stephane Chouinard, interim CEO = of Petapeer Holdings Inc. "The technology should provide us with an innova= tive revenue model that promotes and strengthens the Gnutella Network witho= ut the need for 'spyware' or 'adware', and thus propels legitimate P2P file= sharing to the next level. While it will be up to each user to choose whe= ther or not to use it, we hope it will be a hit." Petapeer Holdings I= nc. identifies and commercializes market-ready peer-to-peer (P2P) technolog= ies. Its first licensed technology, Gnotella, is an application of the op= en Gnutella Network that allows users to quickly and accurately search and = share files anytime, anywhere with anyone in the network. Created for Wind= ows, users can download any type of file, including text, audio, video, spr= eadsheets, word processing, software and more, through the Gnutella Network= . Petapeer Holdings Inc. urges its users to obey copyright laws and r= ights of third parties, but does not and cannot monitor user activity. Nei= ther does it collect or sell user information. Gnotella is available= for free download at http://gnotella.com . This news release contain= s forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Secur= ities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. = Actual results could differ materially from those projected in the forward-= looking statements if assumptions upon which the forward-looking statements= are based do not turn out to be true. Assumptions upon which the forward-= looking statements are based include, without limitation, the following: = -- That the U.S. Patent on the technology will be granted; -- That= the technology will not infringe previously patented technology; -- T= hat the revenue models will function as anticipated; -- That the reven= ue models will be accepted by users of Petapeer's Gnotella software= ; and -- That the revenue models will not interfere with the current p= opularity and use of Petapeer's Gnotella software. SOURCE Peta= peer Holdings Inc. -0- 05/30/2001 /CO= NTACT: Henry Eshelman, heshelman@bwr-la.com, or Brian Davis, bdavis@bwr-l= a.com, both of B|W|R Public Relations, 310-550-7776, for Petapeer Holdings= Inc./ The OTC Journal is a proud partner of the SwingWire.com Online= Investment Community . A next generation Online Analyst Exchange providing= Members the ability to search, review, track and monitor some of the Inter= net's best Online CAs (CyberAnalysts). Members have the opportunity to pote= ntially achieve higher returns by viewing top performing portfolios and rec= eiving real-time alerts from favorite CAs. SwingWire.com also has a luc= rative incentive model for experienced investors and traders who consistent= ly outperform the market. Share market ideas with other like-minded investo= rs, establish a proven track record, provide insightful commentary, attract= followers and ultimately become one of the Internet's highest paid and mos= t sought after CyberAnalysts! Click here to receive your FREE 30-Day Tri= al Membership with no further obligation. Sign Up Today! Disclaimer = The OTCjournal.com Newsletter is an independent electronic publication co= mmitted to providing our readers with factual information on selected publ= icly traded companies. All companies are chosen on the basis of certain fin= ancial analysis and other pertinent criteria with a view toward maximizing= the upside potential for investors while minimizing the downside risk, whe= never possible. Moreover, as detailed below, this publication accepts comp= ensation from certain of the companies which it features. Likewise, this n= ewsletter is owned by MarketByte, LLC. To the degrees enumerated herein, = this newsletter should not be regarded as an independent publication. Cli= ck Here to view our compensation on every company we have ever covered, or= visit the following web address: http://www.otcjournal.com/disclaimer.htm= l for our full profiles and http://www.otcjournal.com/trading-alerts/discl= aimer.html for Trading Alerts. MarketByte LLC, the owner and publisher of = the OTC Journal has been paid a fee of $50,000 by IC Investments on behalf = of the company for the dissemination of this report. All statements and = expressions are the sole opinions of the editors and are subject to change= without notice. A profile, description, or other mention of a company in t= he newsletter is neither an offer nor solicitation to buy or sell any secur= ities mentioned. While we believe all sources of information to be factual= and reliable, in no way do we represent or guarantee the accuracy thereof,= nor the statements made herein. The editor, members of the editor's fami= ly, and/or entities with which they are affiliated, are forbidden by compa= ny policy to own, buy, sell or otherwise trade stock for their own benefit = in the companies who appear in the publication. The profiles, critiques, = and other editorial content of the OTCjournal.com may contain forward-looki= ng statements relating to the expected capabilities of the companies mentio= ned herein. THE READER SHOULD VERIFY ALL CLAIMS AND DO THEIR OWN DUE DILI= GENCE BEFORE INVESTING IN ANY SECURITIES MENTIONED. INVESTING IN SECURITIE= S IS SPECULATIVE AND CARRIES A HIGH DEGREE OF RISK. THE INFORMATION FOUND I= N THIS PROFILE IS PROTECTED BY THE COPYRIGHT LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES AND = MAY NOT BE COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED, WRITTEN = CONSENT OF THE EDITORS OF OTCjournal.com. 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If you= are having difficulty removing yourself or wish to change your address ple= ase go to http://listserv.otcjournal.com/opt.cgi?email=3Dmlenhart@enron.com= . =09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09 =20 --- You are currently subscribed to otcjournal as: mlenhart@enron.com To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-otcjournal-707639E@lyris.otcjour= nal.com