Enron Mail

Subject:Undeliverable: RE: THE OFFICIAL SNOW REPORT!!!!!
Date:Wed, 24 Oct 2001 10:14:26 -0700 (PDT)

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To: ross_berthelot@bankone.com@ENRON
CC: CN=Scott Naquin <naquinscott@yahoo.com/O=, Clint Eilbeck<, Myers Namie <myersnamie@yahoo.com<@SMTP@enronXgate, Denis Naquin <denisnaq@home.com<@SMTP@enronXgate, Tommy Porteous <tporteous@lemle.com<@SMTP@enronXgate, COREY ROBICHEAUX <cjrob23@msn.com<@SMTP@enronXgate, Tanya Flynn <tennis70810@yahoo.com<@SMTP@enronXgate, Mike Gooch <mcg742000@yahoo.com<@SMTP@enronXgate, Bernard Guste <bguste@wewill4u.com<@SMTP@enronXgate, chufft@bellsouth.net@SMTP@enronXgate, Scott Dehart <dehart81@hotmail.com<@SMTP@enronXgate, don edgerton <edgeconstruct@aol.com<@SMTP@enronXgate
Date: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 5:10:28 GMT

thanks for including me. i don't think i will be able to make a ski trip durning that period. i have to go to miami and party on south beach. sorry. maybe if something was scheduled around spring skiing (feb-mar) i could definately go. robicheaux is bald? i remember that bastard was so hairy when i was living with him. i used to have to shave the soap in the shower after he used it. i know some of the houston guys would like to go skiing so keep us informed.

-----Original Message-----
From: ross_berthelot@bankone.com@ENRON
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 10:39 AM
To: Lenhart, Matthew
Cc: "Scott Naquin <naquinscott@yahoo.com<, Clint Eilbeck"; Myers Namie; Denis Naquin; Tommy Porteous; COREY ROBICHEAUX; Tanya Flynn; Mike Gooch; Bernard Guste; chufft@bellsouth.net; Scott Dehart; don edgerton

Lenny! jumping in the conversation without missing a beat....good to have
you with us. Nice comedy....but the only fat, bald 30 year old is the
Dogger. (just kidding dog, you's not fat....you's just fluffy). Don is
bald, but not fat. Roby is balding, but just a little "stocky". Clint has a
belly, but is not balding. Other than that, we are all pretty normal
(please use that term loosely).

Your parents would love to have us at their crib. Dog could rummage through
all of your belongings, eat all of your parents' food, and wake them up at
the ass crack of dawn with scrambled eggs and jumby. Roby could show your
mom "a good time". Porteous, Clay, and Myers could talk to your dad about
his company's legal shortcomings. Bernie could sell you all some much
needed life insurance. Clint could smoke, and Dehart could clear his lungs
so that he could ski without falling dead on the slopes. Gooch could lend
Don the money to build an addition to your maw's bathroom (so that Dog and
Roby could smell it up). And Naquin could try to get with your sister, take
notes of the whole weekend's proceedings, and make copies for all of us to
remember them by.

Porthole....see if Timmy, Tricia, Mike Thomas, etc. would be interested in
going on the trip...Lenny....see about all of your Houston Fiji buddies
(house bitch, Tim, Val, etc.). Tell Tim we'll let him bring his new wife
with him, too, although that might mean that there could be up to 3 Phi
Mu's on the trip....quorum could be met, and "the Phi Mu Crew" might be in
full effect; God help us.

Clint, what about Freret and Dawn (that might make 4 Mu's)?

Anyone else we can think of who might be interested in this trip (Jan 10 -

Ross F. Berthelot
Commercial Real Estate
Ph: (225) 332-4252
Fax: (225) 332-3154

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