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you must click on this link: http://listserv.otcjournal.com/otcjournal/2001= 1020-1.html and wait for a web page to automatically open up to properly r= ead this newsletter.=20 [IMAGE]=09=09[IMAGE][IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] October 20, 2001 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Volume IV, Issue 91 [IMAGE] = Email : info@otcjournal.com URL : http://www.otcjournal.com To OTC J= ournal Members: [IMAGE] Special Announcement When I look back on a= ll these worries I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathb= ed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which never happen= ed. Sir Winston Churchill from Their Finest Hour We are working on a very = special edition custom tailored for bargain hunters. The last three weeks h= ave led investors to believe there are other directions stocks can go besid= es straight down. There are many technology stocks trading at less than 1= % of their previous highs. Stocks are so low the NASDAQ has suspended its m= inimum $1 bid rule for the remainder of the year and has announced it will = review the rule early next year. Unlike most market environments, individ= ual investors have a competitive advantage over fund managers with stocks a= t these levels. Most fund managers have thresholds below which they are not= allowed to hold stocks. Many funds cannot hold stocks below $5, and others= have a $1 threshold. Fund managers have been forced to sell stocks at thes= e levels in order to comply with the rules of their fund, oftentimes agains= t their personal wishes and their own common sense. Fund managers will be a= ble to purchase these stocks again once they appreciate above $1 and $5. = We are working on a list of stocks with compelling values that are very ove= rsold. In order to make the list, the stock must be trading below the cash = value the company has per share, and have little or no debt. We will try to= publish this exciting edition next weekend. We might call it the "Riskless= Rebound" edition. Stayed tuned. [IMAGE] Energy Power Systems (OTC BB: = EYPSF) Updated Profile [IMAGE] Followers of Energy Power know it has been = trading up and down the charts over the last 2 weeks. We are suggesting the= company change its symbol to OTIS as the stock goes up and down like an Ot= is Elevator. For investors looking for more information on Energy Power, = the editors of the OTC Journal have updated our original profile to reflect= changing corporate events subsequent to the original release on February 1= 2th. Click Here to review the updated profile. If you never read our ori= ginal release this would be an excellent opportunity to familiarize yoursel= f with this company. [IMAGE] Envoy Communications (NASDAQ: ECGI) Update= [IMAGE] Our inbox is filled with questions on Envoy as the stocks fades i= nto the oblivion of the $1 range. The stock is behaving as if there is some= thing wrong with the company. We spoke with management briefly this week = about this issue. At the corporate level nothing has changed. Fiscal 2001, = which ended at the end of September, still looks like roughly $10 million C= DN in EBITDA profits. As of right now, business for fiscal 2002 looks about= the same as 2001. The stock is trading at about 3 times 2002 EBITDA. The i= ndustry average is currently 11 times 2002 EBITDA. What's the explanation= for this pathetic performance? Simple- management is doing nothing at this= time to market their company to investors. Their only audience is the memb= ers of the OTC Journal. A plan for a nationwide institutional road show w= as in place prior to Attack on America, but that is now on hold. We can onl= y hope management will wake up and recognize their responsibility to shareh= olders and get proactive in telling their story. Tax selling could hurt = this stock, so it could go lower. One can only hope that despite management= 's failure to get out and tell their story, someone will come along and rec= ognize the inherent value in this company. Bottom line- Not worth selling= at this price, but it could go lower. [IMAGE] Attention Football Fans = [IMAGE] We found an awesome web site for football fans seeking a competiti= ve edge on handicapping games. For those who like to make an occasional fri= endly wager on a football game, www.gridpicks.com is for you. Go to the = home page and sign up for their free newsletter. Last weekend they went 11-= 6 in the college games and 10-4-1 in Pro games against the spread. The OT= C Journal supports the spirit of fun and speculation wherever it can be fou= nd. Charts Provided Courtesy Of TradePortal.com The OTC Journal is a p= roud partner of the SwingWire.com Online Investment Community . A next gene= ration Online Analyst Exchange providing Members the ability to search, rev= iew, track and monitor some of the Internet's best Online CAs (CyberAnalyst= s). Members have the opportunity to potentially achieve higher returns by v= iewing top performing portfolios and receiving real-time alerts from favori= te CAs. SwingWire.com also has a lucrative incentive model for experien= ced investors and traders who consistently outperform the market. Share mar= ket ideas with other like-minded investors, establish a proven track record= , provide insightful commentary, attract followers and ultimately become on= e of the Internet's highest paid and most sought after CyberAnalysts! Cl= ick here to receive your FREE 30-Day Trial Membership with no further oblig= ation. Sign Up Today! Disclaimer The OTCjournal.com Newsletter is an = independent electronic publication committed to providing our readers with = factual information on selected publicly traded companies. All companies a= re chosen on the basis of certain financial analysis and other pertinent cr= iteria with a view toward maximizing the upside potential for investors wh= ile minimizing the downside risk, whenever possible. Moreover, as detailed= below, this publication accepts compensation from certain of the companies= which it features. Likewise, this newsletter is owned by MarketByte, LLC.= To the degrees enumerated herein, this newsletter should not be regarded= as an independent publication. Click Here to view our compensation on = every company we have ever covered, or visit the following web address: ht= tp://www.otcjournal.com/disclaimer.html for our full profiles and http://w= ww.otcjournal.com/trading-alerts/disclaimer.html for Trading Alerts. All= statements and expressions are the sole opinions of the editors and are s= ubject to change without notice. A profile, description, or other mention o= f a company in the newsletter is neither an offer nor solicitation to buy o= r sell any securities mentioned. While we believe all sources of informati= on to be factual and reliable, in no way do we represent or guarantee the a= ccuracy thereof, nor the statements made herein. The editor, members of t= he editor's family, and/or entities with which they are affiliated, are for= bidden by company policy to own, buy, sell or otherwise trade stock for the= ir own benefit in the companies who appear in the publication. The profil= es, critiques, and other editorial content of the OTCjournal.com may contai= n forward-looking statements relating to the expected capabilities of the c= ompanies mentioned herein. THE READER SHOULD VERIFY ALL CLAIMS AND DO THE= IR OWN DUE DILIGENCE BEFORE INVESTING IN ANY SECURITIES MENTIONED. INVESTIN= G IN SECURITIES IS SPECULATIVE AND CARRIES A HIGH DEGREE OF RISK. THE INFO= RMATION FOUND IN THIS PROFILE IS PROTECTED BY THE COPYRIGHT LAWS OF THE UNI= TED STATES AND MAY NOT BE COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT THE EXPR= ESSED, WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE EDITORS OF OTCjournal.com. We encourage ou= r readers to invest carefully and read the investor information available a= t the web sites of the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") at http:= //www.sec.gov and/or the National Association of Securities Dealers ("NASD"= ) at http://www.nasd.com . We also strongly recommend that you read the SEC= advisory to investors concerning Internet Stock Fraud, which can be found = at http://www.sec.gov/consumer/cyberfr.htm . Readers can review all public= filings by companies at the SEC's EDGAR page. The NASD has published infor= mation on how to invest carefully at its web site. Unsubscribe Here = You can unsubscribe from this list at any time by Clicking Here and HITTI= NG SEND. If you are having difficulty removing yourself or wish to change y= our address please go to http://listserv.otcjournal.com/opt.cgi?email=3Dmle= nhart@enron.com . =09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09 =20 --- You are currently subscribed to otcjournal as: mlenhart@enron.com To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-otcjournal-707639E@lyris.otcjour= nal.com