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you must click on this link: http://listserv.otcjournal.com/otcjournal/2001= 1116-1.html and wait for a web page to automatically open up to properly r= ead this newsletter.=20 [IMAGE]=09=09[IMAGE][IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] November 16, 2001 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Volume IV, Issue 100 [IMAGE] = Email : info@otcjournal.com URL : http://www.otcjournal.com To OTC= Journal Members: [IMAGE] Riskless Rebound Portfolio [IMAGE] Our Novem= ber 2nd edition, titled the Riskless Rebound portfolio, continues to climb= the charts. As of today's market close, the portfolio as a whole has now a= ppreciated fully 36.75% over a brief two weeks. The Deutshce Bank Alex Brow= n IPO Endwave Corporation (NASDAQ: ENWV) is leading the way, up 52% from $.= 84 to $1.28. The company came public on October 17, 2000 at $14 per share, = and still has $1.78 per share in cash. Readers will recall we computed th= e portfolio would rise 88% if each of the five stocks simply appreciated to= the level of cash they had in the bank. Therefore, we believe there is con= siderably more upside in this group of five stocks. However, the NASDAQ m= arket has rebounded dramatically off the September 21st lows, and is probab= ly a little ahead of itself. Therefore, we would caution members who are lo= oking for good entry levels to wait for a correction sometime between now a= nd the end of the year before entering or adding to positions. If such a pu= llback occurs, we will try to help you choose a good entry level. To view= past editions of the OTC Journal in chronological order, put this web addr= ess in your favorites: http://listserv.otcjournal.com . [IMAGE] Energ= y Power (OTC BB: EYPSF) - September Quarterly Financial Results Strong [I= MAGE] Short Sellers had to be a little demoralized by corporate performanc= e when Energy Power released it's September (1st Quarter) Financial results= on Thursday. The stock staged a remarkable turn around on Wednesday when= the bear assault forced the stock down from nearly $6 to a low of about $4= . The stock turned around rapidly, and rebounded back above $5 when the com= pany announced its year end audited results. The stock continues trading = over 1 million shares per day, which is historically unprecedented. The vol= ume needs to quiet in order to identify a true support level for the stock.= In the interim, based on historical trading patterns, that the next massiv= e volume surge will take the stock above the $6 level. Members who chose to= take profits when the stock traded above our target price of $5.60 should = look to re-enter. Another bear assault on the stock might be just such an= opportunity. If the stock drops dramatically again as the result of anothe= r smear campaign we will get the word out as quickly as possible. In the = interim, shareholders should be heartened by September quarterly financial = results, which are as follows: Consolidated revenues were $5.5 million, u= p from $4.5 million last year (up 22%). Consolidated gross profits were $1 = million, up from $.70 million last year (up 43%). Consolidated EBITDA profi= ts were $.6 million, up from $.1 million last year (up 500%). Consolidated = profits were $.40 million, up from a loss of $.1 last year. Earnings Per Sh= are were $.05, up from a loss of $.07 last year. all figures in Canadian Do= llars Improved financial results were attributed to revenue flow from the = newly formed Oil and Gas Division, combined with increasing business at the= Engineering and Offshore Division. The company's decision to take massive = voluntary write downs of assets last year also positions the company for in= creasing profits going forward. Click Here to read the entire news release= on their quarterly results. The September quarterly financial performanc= e is outstanding and should serve to reassure long term shareholders that m= anagement is performing. We expect the September quarter to be the first in= a series of ongoing reports of growth in revenues and profits. [IMAGE]= XMLG Global Technologies (OTC BB: XMLG) Turn Around in its Infancy [IMAGE]= [IMAGE] The recent dramatic rise in the price of XML Global, one of our = featured companies for 2001, has finally quieted, setting the stage for ano= ther surge to the upside. XML Global is a leading software company developi= ng tools for the revolutionary new XML programming language which is widely= viewed as the "Holy Grail" of ecommerce. Despite the most challenging cl= imate imaginable for a B to B middleware company, evidence is building that= XML Global's fortunes are turning back up. After making a 300% move in fiv= e trading days, the stock has pulled back a little and quieted down, provid= ing an excellent entry level for investors looking for powerful turn around= situations in the speculative end of the market. Recent corporate develo= pments support the notion that now is the time to accumulate this stock. Si= nce the beginning of November the company has announced three major new con= tracts- One with the city of Vancouver, one with the Canadian Federal Gover= nment, and one with HomeSource Capital. The OTC Journal believes the Hom= eSource Capital contract to be the most important. XML is viewed by many as= the future of interserver communication between corporate computer systems= . Corporate expansion has slowed to a crawl during this recession, but as s= oon as IT spending picks up XML Global is positioned to grab a significant = market share. While most large corporations are embroiled in a bottoming = business cycle, home finance companies are booming in a strong refinance ma= rket fueled by low interest rates. The HomeSource Capital contract suggests= many other companies will use XML Global software as the business climate = improves. Click Here to read the entire text of the HomeSource contract. = While there is some risk of a slight pullback in this stock as a result of= year end tax selling, we believe now is the time for bargain basement shop= pers. The company is gaining the momentum we thought they would have before= the recession, and as business turns up there is no telling where this com= pany could go. If you want to own a $.35 stock that has a good chance of go= ing back to $1, here's your opportunity. Charts Provided Courtesy Of Trad= ePortal.com The OTC Journal is a proud partner of the SwingWire.com Onli= ne Investment Community . A next generation Online Analyst Exchange providi= ng Members the ability to search, review, track and monitor some of the Int= ernet's best Online CAs (CyberAnalysts). Members have the opportunity to po= tentially achieve higher returns by viewing top performing portfolios and r= eceiving real-time alerts from favorite CAs. SwingWire.com also has a l= ucrative incentive model for experienced investors and traders who consiste= ntly outperform the market. Share market ideas with other like-minded inves= tors, establish a proven track record, provide insightful commentary, attra= ct followers and ultimately become one of the Internet's highest paid and m= ost sought after CyberAnalysts! Click here to receive your FREE 30-Day T= rial Membership with no further obligation. Sign Up Today! Disclaime= r The OTCjournal.com Newsletter is an independent electronic publication = committed to providing our readers with factual information on selected pu= blicly traded companies. All companies are chosen on the basis of certain f= inancial analysis and other pertinent criteria with a view toward maximizi= ng the upside potential for investors while minimizing the downside risk, w= henever possible. Moreover, as detailed below, this publication accepts co= mpensation from certain of the companies which it features. Likewise, this= newsletter is owned by MarketByte, LLC. To the degrees enumerated herein,= this newsletter should not be regarded as an independent publication. C= lick Here to view our compensation on every company we have ever covered, = or visit the following web address: http://www.otcjournal.com/disclaimer.h= tml for our full profiles and http://www.otcjournal.com/trading-alerts/dis= claimer.html for Trading Alerts. MarketByte LLC has been paid the follow= ing fee by XML Global for a year of representation: $100,000 cash, 60,000 s= hares of free trading stock, 60,000 shares of restricted stock, and 60,000 = options exercisable at $2. The 60,000 shares of free trading stock have bee= n contributed by a third party on behalf of the company. MarketByte LLC has= been paid a fee of 125,000 shares of free trading stock of Energy Power Sy= stems Limited for representing the company for one year. The fee has been p= aid by Fieldston Traders LTD acting on behalf of the company. Please review= our policy on selling shares found within our Mission Statement at our hom= e page. All statements and expressions are the sole opinions of the edit= ors and are subject to change without notice. A profile, description, or ot= her mention of a company in the newsletter is neither an offer nor solicita= tion to buy or sell any securities mentioned. While we believe all sources= of information to be factual and reliable, in no way do we represent or gu= arantee the accuracy thereof, nor the statements made herein. The editor,= members of the editor's family, and/or entities with which they are affili= ated, are forbidden by company policy to own, buy, sell or otherwise trade = stock for their own benefit in the companies who appear in the publication.= The profiles, critiques, and other editorial content of the OTCjournal.c= om may contain forward-looking statements relating to the expected capabili= ties of the companies mentioned herein. THE READER SHOULD VERIFY ALL CLAI= MS AND DO THEIR OWN DUE DILIGENCE BEFORE INVESTING IN ANY SECURITIES MENTIO= NED. INVESTING IN SECURITIES IS SPECULATIVE AND CARRIES A HIGH DEGREE OF R= ISK. THE INFORMATION FOUND IN THIS PROFILE IS PROTECTED BY THE COPYRIGHT LA= WS OF THE UNITED STATES AND MAY NOT BE COPIED, OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY WIT= HOUT THE EXPRESSED, WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE EDITORS OF OTCjournal.com. We= encourage our readers to invest carefully and read the investor informatio= n available at the web sites of the Securities and Exchange Commission ("S= EC") at http://www.sec.gov and/or the National Association of Securities De= alers ("NASD") at http://www.nasd.com . We also strongly recommend that you= read the SEC advisory to investors concerning Internet Stock Fraud, which = can be found at http://www.sec.gov/consumer/cyberfr.htm . Readers can revi= ew all public filings by companies at the SEC's EDGAR page. The NASD has pu= blished information on how to invest carefully at its web site. Unsubsc= ribe Here You can unsubscribe from this list at any time by Clicking He= re and HITTING SEND. If you are having difficulty removing yourself or wis= h to change your address please go to http://listserv.otcjournal.com/opt.cg= i?email=3Dmlenhart@enron.com . =09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09=09 [IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09 =20 --- You are currently subscribed to otcjournal as: mlenhart@enron.com To unsubscribe send a blank email to leave-otcjournal-707639E@lyris.otcjour= nal.com