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Subject:Fw: What We've Learned From Watching Porn......
Date:Tue, 27 Mar 2001 09:39:00 -0800 (PST)

----- Original Message -----
From: Lee, Ryan
To: 'ralee@rmi.net'
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 3:55 PM
Subject: FW: What We've Learned From Watching Porn......

-----Original Message-----
From: Williams, Zach
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 3:39 PM
To: Lee, Ryan
Subject: FW: What We've Learned From Watching Porn......

Message-ID: <F174Ba1kg3AmsfGdMNF00001bcb@hotmail.com<
From: Steve Renz <steverenz@hotmail.com<
To: salwolf93@yahoo.com, jamesadamic@hotmail.com, johnbucklar@hotmail.com,
cdolan17@hotmail.com, Banjoglass@hotmail.com, joegregg@earthlink.net,
mjmorty@hotmail.com, lakerob@yahoo.com, MWright4u@aol.com
Subject: Fwd: What I've Learned From Watching Porn
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 13:21:05 -0700
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----Original Message Follows----
From: "Brett Beezley" <b_beezley@hotmail.com<
briancboukalik@eaton.com, BRANTPETERSON@HOTMAIL.COM,
Aaron_Brinkman@na.dole.com, bej2147@hotmail.com, PDT2139@aol.com,
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treyprice_2000@yahoo.com, tennistucker@aol.com, ryan.vanhorn@labone.com,
rossvogel@birch.net, wyatt_22311@yahoo.com
Subject: Fwd: What I've Learned From Watching Porn
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 13:08:16 -0600

<From: "Jacob Reimer" <jrjhawk@hotmail.com<
<To: jcoffin@ukans.edu, pmcgiffert@hotmail.com, b_beezley@hotmail.com,
<bherrman@eagle.cc.ukans.edu, dardots@aol.com, jgarner77@hotmail.com,
<gizz1dmb@hotmail.com, urdaddy15@hotmail.com, bhagman30@hotmail.com,
<rhymus@aol.com, mcmahonsean@hotmail.com, snewcs@yahoo.com,
<mike_newhouse@hotmail.com, peter.crump@escout.com, kpolian@echelontech.com,
<psak19@hotmail.com, chacer@eagle.cc.ukans.edu, rjwoody@eagle.cc.ukans.edu,
<franksciara@hotmail.com, johnny@genesishealthclub.com,
<tavis.crump@valrad.com, tmcasc1925@aol.com
<Subject: Fwd: What I've Learned From Watching Porn
<Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 12:52:05 -0600
<<From: "Robert Fanelli" <fanelli44@hotmail.com<
<<To: mfanelli@twcny.rr.com, jbarryiipoops@hotmail.com,
<<gizz1dmb@hotmail.com, roepanimal@hotmail.com, jrjhawk@hotmail.com,
<<drc@hotmail.com, jake50k@myvzw.com, billymags@hotmail.com,
<<jtv5407@hotmail.com, melissawilbur@hotmail.com, Timmit1971@hotmail.com
<<Subject: What I've Learned From Watching Porn
<<Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 10:06:47 -0500
<<What I've Learned From Watching Porn
<<1.? Women wear high heels to bed.
<<2.? Men are never impotent.
<<3.? When going down on a woman 10 seconds is more than satisfactory.
<<4.? If a woman gets busted masturbating by a strange man, she will not
<<??? scream with embarrassment, but rather insist he have sex with her.
<<5.Women smile appreciatively when men splat them in the face with sperm.
<<6.? Women enjoy having sex with ugly, middle-aged men.
<<7.? Women moan uncontrollably when giving a blowjob.
<<8.? Women always orgasm when men do.
<<9.? A blowjob will always get a woman off a speeding ticket.
<<10. All women are noisy fucks.
<<11. People in the 70's couldn't fuck unless there was a wild guitar solo
<<??? in the background.
<<12. Those tits are real.
<<13. A common and enjoyable sexual practice for a man is to take his
<<??? half-erect penis and slap it repeatedly on a woman's butt.
<<14. Men always groan "OH YEAH!" when they cum.
<<15. If there is two of them they "high five" each other.(and the girl
<<??? isn't disgusted!)
<<16. Double penetration makes women smile.
<<17. Asian men don't exist.
<<18. If you come across a guy and his girlfriend having sex in the
<<??? bushes, the boyfriend won't bash seven shades of shit out of you
<<??? if you shove your cock in his girlfriend's mouth.
<<19. There's a plot.
<<20. When taking a woman from behind, a man can really excite a woman by
<<??? giving her a gentle slap on the butt.
<<21. Nurses suck patient's cocks.
<<22. Men always pull out.
<<23. When your girlfriend busts you getting head from her best friend,
<<??? she'll only be momentarily pissed off before fucking the both of
<<??? you.
<<24. Women never have headaches... or periods.
<<25. When a woman is sucking a man's cock, it's important for him to
<<??? remind her to "suck it".
<<26. Assholes are clean.
<<27. A man ejaculating on a woman's butt is a satisfying result for all
<<??? parties concerned.
<<28. Women always look pleasantly surprised when they open a man's
<<??? trousers and find a cock there.
<<29. Men don't have to beg.
<<30. When standing during a blowjob, a man will always place one hand
<<??? firmly on the back of the kneeling woman's head and the other
<<??? proudly on his hip

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