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=09=09 =09 [IMAGE] INVESTOR ALERT: SEC Eases Buyback Restrictions - Creates Hu= ge Buying Opportunity! Despite a down market dominated by news of the te= rrorist attacks, poor earnings estimates and increasing corporate layoffs, = a bright spot has emerged that has created a potentially huge buying oppor= tunity for investors who act immediately. In an attempt to improve market= conditions, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has temporarily r= elaxed regulatory restrictions governing company stock buybacks. This move = has created a fervor on Wall Street, resulting in 150 new buyback announcem= ents over the past week alone, with additional companies announcing stock b= uybacks every day. "This announcement gives investors who focus on stock= buybacks a serious advantage in the current market," says David Fried, edi= tor of the highly-successful advisory The Buyback Letter . "Investors shoul= d be careful, however, since not every company announcing a stock buyback i= s necessarily a good company to invest in. Investors will want to separate= the good investment candidates from the bad before purchasing the stock."= The move temporarily lifts a ban on companies repurchasing their stock i= n the first or last half hour of trading. Additionally, a company which was= normally restricted to purchasing only 25% of its average daily trading vo= lume in a given day can now purchase an amount of stock equal to 100% of th= e average daily trading volume in its stock for the prior month. "Compani= es can now buy back their stocks while share prices are at their weakest," = Fried says. "As these companies reduce their shares outstanding, the earnin= gs per share increase, making each share more valuable. This is ultimately = reflected in share prices." In the current issue of The Buyback Letter (av= ailable FREE for 30 days from INVESTools ), Fried uncovers eight undervalue= d "Best Buy" stocks that represent your best value right now. Insiders in t= hese eight companies are bullish about their firms, and management are buyi= ng back their stock on the open market. Since March, 1997, Fried's 20-Sto= ck Buyback Index has gained 137.69%, vs. a mere 52.67% for the S&P 500. His= 5-stock Buyback Dogs portfolio is up 113% since inception vs. +29% for the= S&P and Dow over the same time frame. 19 of Fried's last 22 trades have be= en profitable, with an average profit of 179%! Click Here for these Eight= Undervalued 'Best Buy' Stocks and your FREE 30-Day Subscription to The Buy= back Letter Why The Average Buyback Value Stock Outperforms The Market= By 45.3%: The New York Times reports that a study of all U.S. stocks fro= m 1980-1990 found that the stock of an average company announcing a repurc= hase plan will beat the market decisively (12.1% for the average company,= 45.3% for a value stock) in the four years following the repurchase annou= ncement. This makes sense. After all, when a company buys back their own s= tock, it's an enormous vote of confidence by those who know it best - se= nior executives. No one else knows the firm's financial situation, market = share, business plans, competitive advantages and new product strategies b= etter than those with hands-on, day-to-day experience. But, these executi= ves aren't talking. They keep their plans, tactics, and research behind cl= osed doors. The only indicator of their well-founded optimism is a stock = buyback. It's a powerful indicator that no serious investor should ignore.= Just how powerful are buyback stocks? In the last 10 years if you had in= vested $10,000 in a typical S&P 500 portfolio, you investment would have g= rown to $67,917 - an excellent return. But that same $10,000 invested excl= usively in value buyback stocks would have grown to $130,254 - nearly $70,= 000 more in profits! The Buyback Letter is available FREE for 30 days fro= m INVESTools. With your FREE 30-Day Subscription, you'll be on the inside = track of the market's safest blue-chip companies that are aggressively buyi= ng back their own stock. Click Here for your FREE 30-Day Subscription to= The Buyback Letter If the link above doesn't work, go to: www.in= vestools.com/c/go/BACK/WHISP-backdB ? 2001 INVESTools.com, Inc. All right= s reserved. =09