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[IMAGE] =09Search Delayed Quote RT Quote Charting Earnings Ratings Competi= tion Key Ratios Financials Insiders =09 =09 TOOLS [IMAGE] MAPS [IMAGE] STOCKS [IMAGE] FUNDS [IMAGE] PERSONALFIN= ANCE [IMAGE] ECONOMY& BONDS =09 [IMAGE]=09 At the End of the Day Today's Market DJIA 9712.27 DOWN = -211.88 Nasdaq 1944.44 DOWN -56.47 S?500 1127.57 DOWN -18.62 Rus 2000 476.4= 2 DOWN -8.58 10 Yr Bd 4.85 UP .01 DJTA 2636.34 DOWN -49.74 FTSE 100 5127.60= DOWN -38.40 H. Seng 10964.10 DOWN -49.50 Nik. 225 10177.50 DOWN -30.50 DAX= 4996.18 DOWN -65.86 Today's Sectors Basic Materials -2.75 % Utiliti= es -1.85 % Communication -2.61 % Consumer Staples -1.51 % Capital Goo= ds -2.98 % Energy -2.44 % Financial -2.11 % Consumer Cyclicals -1.82 %= Health Care -0.65 % Technology -2.94 % Transport -1.19 % (Mouse ov= er for detail, click to launch Map of the Market) January 16, 2002 The Clo= sing Bell The Profit Boom Will Have to Wait By Igor Greenwald The Nasdaq g= ave up its gains for 2002 gains as conservative guidance from Intel disappo= inted a sagging market. J.P. Morgan Chase piled on with big write-offs. Dai= ly Briefing Stocks to Watch Today's Top Stories [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Ahead of= the Curve Risky Business[IMAGE] By Donald Luskin Intel is pulling in its = horns, and so are investors. Since risk-taking is what creates growth, that= puts the economy, and the market, in a bind. [IMAGE] Stock Watch Books Are= Back By Monica Rivituso Barnes and Noble and Borders posted strong sales = in December. Can they keep their book drive alive? [IMAGE] Ask SmartMoney = When 401(k) Contributions Go MIA By June Kim My employer has stopped makin= g my 401(k) contributions on a regular basis. What can I do? More Articles= Advertisement [IMAGE] Mutual Fund News [IMAGE] Week in Funds Trepidat= ion at Home and Abroad By June Kim Most U.S. and foreign stock funds fell = this week ? but bond funds were another story. More Articles Advertisem= ent [IMAGE] Attend the Online Trading Expo, the largest convention for onl= ine investors and traders in New York City on February 17-19, 2002. Registe= r for your free exhibit hall pass and receive over 30 hours of FREE trainin= g and education. Compare and evaluate hundreds of trading tools and service= s at the largest gathering of electronic traders worldwide. 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Here are some hazards to avoid. . = [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE]=09 Smartmoney.com Daily Views SmartMoney.com ?2002 SmartMoney. Sma= rtMoney is a joint publishing venture of Dow Jones & Company, Inc. and Hear= st Communications, Inc. =09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09