Enron Mail

Subject:The SmartMoney.com Daily Views - January 28, 2002
Date:Mon, 28 Jan 2002 14:28:24 -0800 (PST)

[IMAGE] =09Search Delayed Quote RT Quote Charting Earnings Ratings Competi=
tion Key Ratios Financials Insiders =09

[IMAGE]=09 At the End of the Day Today's Market DJIA 9865.75 UP 25=
.67 Nasdaq 1943.91 UP 6.21 S?500 1133.06 DOWN -.22 Rus 2000 481.28 UP 1.93 =
10 Yr Bd 5.08 ? 0.00 DJTA 2804.84 UP 24.92 FTSE 100 5223.60 UP 30.60 H. Sen=
g 10767.50 DOWN -5.50 Nik. 225 10220.80 UP 76.70 DAX 5159.02 UP 2.39 Today'=
s Sectors Basic Materials -0.06 % Utilities -0.77 % Communication=
0.37 % Consumer Staples 0.21 % Capital Goods -0.36 % Energy -0.36 % =
Financial -0.67 % Consumer Cyclicals 0.97 % Health Care -0.5 % Techno=
logy 0.61 % Transport 0.45 % (Mouse over for detail, click to launch Ma=
p of the Market) January 28, 2002 The Closing Bell Stocks Not Getting Extr=
a Credit By Igor Greenwald An earnings miss by Amex and another telecom ba=
nkruptcy added to the financial sector's woes, largely offsetting resilient=
sales of homes and autos. Daily Briefing Stocks to Watch Today's Top St=
ories [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Tradecraft Enron and Triumph of Free Markets[IMAGE] =
[IMAGE] By Jonathan Hoenig [IMAGE] Trust the press and the politicians to c=
ome to exactly the wrong conclusions about this debacle. [IMAGE] The Data =
Mine Cash on the Hoof By Cintra Scott Want to buy more profitability for l=
ess? We serve up a dozen stocks that look cheap based on their underlying f=
ree cash flow. [IMAGE] On the Street How Not to Invest in the Next Enron B=
y Matthew Goldstein Much of the truth about Enron was hiding in plain sight=
. Financial statements give telltale signs of trouble ? if you know what to=
look for. More Articles Advertisement [IMAGE] BIG EVENT In YOUR Livi=
ng Room! Featuring LIFE sized action in EPIC proportions. The closest thing=
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COLOR PRINTER Mutual Fund News [IMAGE] Week in Funds Dancing on the Edge =
By Dawn Smith A more positive Fed chairman pulled the market to its feet t=
his week, helping most stock funds trim their losses. [IMAGE] Fund FAQs A C=
ooler Head (Usually) Prevails By June Kim I'm considering replacing my poo=
r-performing Janus Mercury fund with another in its category. Which one sho=
uld I pick? More Articles Advertisement Haven't refinanced yet? Take=
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s Travel Slump Hurts American Express Global Crossing Files Bankruptcy Xe=
rox Beats the Street Toys 'R' Us to Cut 1,900 Jobs Gateway Slashes Prices=
Expedia Blows Away Forecasts New-Home Sales Rebound GE's Immelt: Econom=
ic Recovery Likely in 2003 Micron, Hynix Talks Stall Over Price Jenny Cra=
ig Agrees to Be Acquired for $115 Million Ken Lay's Wife: We're Broke Com=
plete News Coverage Insurance Center Shop for competitive insurance ra=
tes on life, home, auto, disability and more. Get multiple quotes and buy =
from the company of your choice -- on your own terms. Insurance Quotes Sm=
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Here Comes Your New Health Plan With medical costs skyrocketing, you're li=
kely to be offered a newfangled form of health insurance. But is it a raw d=
eal? Full Article . [IMAGE] =09
[IMAGE]=09 Smartmoney.com Daily Views SmartMoney.com ?2002 SmartMoney. Sma=
rtMoney is a joint publishing venture of Dow Jones & Company, Inc. and Hear=
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