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=09[IMAGE]=09 =09[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Upgrades [IMAGE] DownGrades= [IMAGE] Coverage Initiated [IMAGE] Stock Splits [IMAGE] Buybacks [IMAG= E] Pos Pre-Announce [IMAGE] Neg Pre-Announce [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAG= E] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Unsubscribe [IMAGE] Update my Membership / Profile [= IMAGE] Forgot Username / Password [IMAGE] Add / Edit Alerts [IMAGE] View = My Alerts [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09 As requested, your News Alert for BRCM follows from Eq= uityAlert.com. Form 144: Filing to Sell 100000 Shares of BROADCOM CORP = COM 'A' (BRCM) Jan 16, 2002 (Vickers Stock Research via COMTEX) -- Docu= ment Processing Date: January 16, 2002 Filer: NICHOLAS FAMILY TR`94(H&SN) = Relation: Stock Name: BROADCOM CORP COM 'A' Stock CUSIP: 111320107 Stock= Symbol: BRCM Exchange: NASDAQ Transaction date: November 05, 2001 Shares = for sale: 100000 Value held: $4002500 Broker: MORGAN STANLEY, DEAN WITTER = Copyright © 2002, Vickers Stock Research Corporation. All rights reserve= d. -0- [IMAGE] ***IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER REGARDING THIS = COURTESY EMAIL*** At your request, as a subscriber to our service, this em= ail alert is being sent to you as a courtesy and is for information purpose= s only. We are a financial news re-distributor. We are not an investment ad= visory and do not purport to tell or suggest which companies you should mon= itor or which securities you should purchase or sell. In addition, not wi= thstanding our policy of prohibiting employees from buying or selling secur= ities of an advertising company for a period of 20 days following dissemina= tion of the advertisement, we may not be able to effectively monitor our em= ployees to ensure compliance with the same. Consequently, there may be sale= s and/or purchases of such securities by our employees prior to, during and= immediately following the dissemination of the advertisement. Please not= e that (1) this email may not contain the full text of the press release is= sued by, or the research or other reports regarding, the Monitored Company;= and (2) the text of the advertisement, the press release and/or reports we= re obtained from third party sources and were not written, generated or edi= ted by us; accordingly, we make no representations or give any assurance as= to the accuracy or completeness, nor have we conducted any independent inv= estigations of, the disclosures regarding the subject matter of such releas= es and reports. Please note that links to the advertising company and/or = Monitored Company are provided for your convenience. We assume no obligatio= n for the content of such sites. All information contained herein should = be independently verified by you with the advertising company or with Monit= ored Company or any other sources you prefer. [THIS IS ONLY A SUMMARY OF,= AND IS QUALIFIED IN ITS ENTIRETY BY REFERENCE TO, THE "EQUITYALERT SUBSCRI= BER AGREEMENT AND DISCLAIMER." PLEASE VISIT http://www.equityalert.com/home= /disclaim.asp FOR ACCESS TO OUR COMPLETE DISCLAIMER] =09 [IMAGE] [= IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] S= tock Quote [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Stock Chart [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Covered Calls= [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Company Profile [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IM= AGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Option Deta= ils [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Black - Scholes [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Power Option P= LUS Logo [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09