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----------------------------------------------------------- Andrew, Oops -- it's only two weeks before the holidays and you still haven't done anything to prepare. Feel the need for speed? Then clickk through these gift ideas, whip up this dessert, and hang a wreath. Now you're on your way! The LifeMinders Team ----------------------------------------------------------- YOUR SPECIAL OFFER Save up to 25% off during the Holiday Sale at JCPenney.com - now through 12/19. Click here. http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=125243&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S ----------------------------------------------------------- SANITY TIPS Planning to donate to charity this holiday season? The children's charity UNICEF was founded 54 years ago today. Add some meaning to your holiday and help less fortunate children by sending money to UNICEF -- or make your donation in a friend's name, as a special holiday gift. <<<CLICK BELOW UNICEF http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=125076&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S ----------------------------------------------------------- IN THIS ISSUE GIFT IDEAS o Quick Gift Ideas HOLIDAY RECIPES o Impress the Ladies with Fruit Salad STRESS RELIEVER OF THE DAY o Learn from the Grinch ----------------------------------------------------------- ========== GIFT IDEAS ========== o QUICK GIFT IDEAS For Men: *Digital cameras, from $119.99 to $149.99. http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=5&c=125159&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S *39 gifts for men, on sale for up to 60% off! http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=7&c=125159&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S For Women: *Holiday gift-finder quiz for the woman on your list http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=125159&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S *10K gold "I Love You" Bracelets, just $29.99! http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=4&c=125159&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S For Kids & Teens: *Gifts under $25 for kids http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=2&c=125159&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S *Get a Stand-on Hopper for just $24.99 or other great ideas for kids! http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=6&c=125159&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S For You: *Free Funsaver pocket camera http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=3&c=125159&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S *Two-way radio walkie talkie http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=8&c=125159&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S ----------------------------------------------------------- *** COOL STUFF *** Andrew, save up to 25% off during the Holiday Sale at JCPenney.com - now through 12/19. http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=125244&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S ----------------------------------------------------------- =============== HOLIDAY RECIPES =============== o IMPRESS THE LADIES WITH FRUIT SALAD There's a holiday party next weekend, and you were planning to bring some cold ones. But women love a man who can cook: think of how impressed they'd be if you showed up with a healthy fruit salad. (Yes, it's easy to make.) Take the challenge! http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=125106&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S Feeling especially amorous -- er, we mean ambitious? Then investigate these Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa recipes. http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=2&c=125106&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S ----------------------------------------------------------- *** COOL STUFF *** Gateway is giving away a new computer every day. Click here to visit Gateway.com & enter to win http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=125163&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S ----------------------------------------------------------- ========================== STRESS RELIEVER OF THE DAY ========================== o LEARN FROM THE GRINCH Can't seem to get in the holiday spirit? Then order up a copy of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas on DVD for 20% off, pop the top on your favorite beverage, and kick back. Soon you'll be relaxed and ready to carve the roast beast! http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=125108&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S ----------------------------------------------------------- *** COOL STUFF *** Just in time for the holidays, FREE ground shipping for orders over $100 at gifts.com. Click here for details. http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=125145&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S ----------------------------------------------------------- ================= ADVERTISEMENTS ================= Looking for that perfect holiday gift? Click here for a great deal on women's jewelry! http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=125247&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S FREE CDs... FREE CDs...Order FREE CDs from BMG Music Service! Get 12 CDs for the price of 1, with nothing more to buy, ever! It's that simple. http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=125154&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S Get the latest from Anne Rice, Tom Clancy or the new Harry Potter book FREE, plus 5 books for $2 with membership to The Literary Guildc! Click for details. http://ww1.lfmn.com/actv/sr2.asp?u=932861&v=3787&url=1&c=125143&pr=1000&cf=1&p a=0&e=S ========================== ANDREW'S TOOLS ========================== o Member Login http://www.lfmn.com/LifeMinder30/GoldII/Index.asp?uid=932861&vc=3787&pr=201&tr =ethhss o Tell a Friend http://www.lfmn.com/fnf/friendsfamily.asp?uid=932861&vc=3787&mktg=LANY40 o Add a Reminder http://www.lfmn.com/LifeMinder30/GoldII/Index.asp?uid=932861&vc=3787&pr=20&tr= ethhss o Add an Alert http://www.lifeminders.alerts.com/lifeminders/fs_main.jsp?c=cp o Help Send Questions mailto:info@lifeminders.com =============================================================== Your e-mail address on record with LifeMinders is alewis@ect.enron.com. Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Please help us respond to your requests and input by writing to us at: info@lifeminders.com instead of replying to this message (we sent this to you from a "send-only" mailbox). LifeMinders e-mails are never sent unsolicited. LifeMinders only sends e-mails to registered members. If you would like to unsubscribe from only the LifeMinders Holiday Shopping Sanity product, click the link below. http://www.lfmn.com/lifeminder30/GoldII/unsub/product/unsubscribeproduct.asp?u id=932861&vc=3787&pr=20 or you can send an email to unsubscribe-holidayshopping@lifeminders.com . If you wish to unsubscribe from all LifeMinders products, please click below. http://www.lfmn.com/lifeminder30/GoldII/Index.asp?uid=932861&vc=3787&pr=101&tr =eehhss To unsubscribe from all LifeMinders products send email to unsubscribe-all@lifeminders.com. Copyright © 2000 LifeMinders, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 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